24, November 2013


Most people attribute wealth to what they possess on a material plane.  I will tell you now, I have worked for millionaires who still bought savings brand tissues and I have dined with those that the world would call poor and they have shared everything they have had with me.

Wealth is not solely a 3D state of existence: it is a Spiritual State of being and you can feel wealthy and abundant no matter how much you have on the material plane.

Wealth is not about what you have but, about how much you have to give and that does not come from material possessions but, from within us.

I think sometimes those that have less, actually have more.  They know what it is to go without and so they know how to give, for they have experienced the great Universal supply that opens when someone has given to them.

They have an opportunity to learn about manifestation and all the riches that come when they master growing their abundance from within.

I have never felt as poor as when I had everything on the material plane.  I always seemed to want; to feel that I was lacking something.  I would be happy for a day or two when I bought a better rug for the floor or a better car etc.

Sometimes, the poverty of spirit experienced by those that horde their riches and that have forgotten how to give, doesn’t allow them to truly appreciate what they even have.

I have experienced what it is to go without, to struggle financially and in the eyes of Society to be considered poor but, on most days I felt full: full of friendship, love, harmony and abundance.

I have never felt as prosperous as when I was grateful for having all my daily needs met; food in the cupboard; the wood given for my fire by a friend; the clothes gifted and the presents received.

I give thanks for all that I have in my life and as I grow my inner abundance I know it changes, grows and manifests in my outer reality and showers me with blessings and inner wealth and in doing so enables me to give more to the world.

Do you know; that if you have clothes on your back and a roof over your head, food in your cupboards and money in your bank, whatever the amount, you are already among the top 8% wealthiest people in the world?  Something to think about isn’t it?

Love, joy, inner prosperity and happiness, these are attributes of the Soul and to be full to the brim with these states of being is to be truly wealthy.


copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

February 2013

Channel for Light

So here we are; marching valiantly into The New Year, The New Energy… who has felt themselves radically transformed into Great Beings of Light that know their worth immediately and whose lives magically run smoothly.

From the human 3D perspective this for me has not occurred- instead it has been a time of preparation where everything in my life and everything within me across time and space that does not resonate with the Higher Vibrations of The New Energy has surfaced to be re-worked and reborn into a new way of being.

I have even been dreaming about old past situations  (which were in reality very unhappy) as warm fuzzy memories filled with love, belonging and happiness- almost like my Higher Self is re-writing my emotional history to help me create something new in the future, a kind of subtle energy emotional baptism.

Do not (whatever your outside circumstances and manifestations might be) underestimate the powerful changes taking place within your make-up due to these shifts…because I assure you those changes are there. The changes may be subtle but they are there, slowly transforming you, from the inside out. Embrace the transitions happening in your lives at this time for they bring a new awakening to higher realms of feeling, existing and being…

Welcome to The New Earth for it is here!


copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Coming Home CD Chat

Message from Kim, (Channel for Callah and the Ancients)

The intent behind the production of this CD was and remains a desire by the team to provide Spiritual and energetic support for Light-workers; to provide space for rest and peace; and for the easy release, cleansing and transformation of many of the lower denser or negative energies which bombard light-workers on a regular basis.

The team and I have used this CD for many situations in our own daily lives; for our family members and for clients.  And we have found the treatment Callah and the Ancients provide through this medium to have exceeded our expectations.

The intent behind the second half of the CD is to facilitate the removal of personal blockages to transformation, awakening, and to the revelation of an individual’s life purpose.

We advise this CD to be used as a treatment, and recommend that once started, it should be played until completion without interruption.

Our intention when making this CD was to provide a general or basic treatment, and therefore may not always meet all the needs of those requiring more specialized energetic and spiritual help from Callah and the Ancients.

As always we advise this CD treatment does not negate where necessary the need for an individual to seek more traditional medical treatments.

It is each soul’s divine right to choose their own path.  Choose wisely and honour and take responsibility for all your choices, for doing so leads to true wisdom and spiritual evolution.

Love, Light and Blessings to All

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

October 2013

Earth Shifts Lemurian Descent Empathics

“In three cycles time which, looking at the record is three full moons time, so three months, the earth’s vibration is going to shift and all those with Lemurian energy, if they have Empathic Healing abilities, will become active.  Many will need training as those who do not know how to work with their empathic system can often fall into the depression of the world.  That is not their purpose here.   ” Spirit - 2013-09-02

A fully functioning Empathic Healer working at their optimum can not only filter and thereby transform negative energies but they are also able to connect to and bring in the positive and higher vibrations.  This assists the Earth and all those on this great planet to heal and evolve and is one of their prime functions.

Training is often necessary to enable the Empathic Healer to learn to quickly filter the negative and help them to fulfil their potential and in doing so help lift the vibration of the world, which after all is what we are all here for: to bring in the Paradise energy.

The information on this earth shift was given last month but, became lost in my files until last night when I had a few spare moments to begin a long overdue process of editing much of the material that has been given to us by Divine Spirit over the past year.

Spirit asked that the information about the shift and the subsequent activation of Empathic Healing abilities in those of Lemurian descent be put on our website and our Facebook page.  Please accept my apology for the delay.

Divine Spirit has also asked that the team conduct a special training workshop for Empathic Healers and we are set to do this early in 2014.  We expect the first will be held in Christchurch.

In the meantime, I do recommend attending the Callah and the Ancients “Waters of Life” Workshop (designed for all Empathics) to anyone interested in finding out more about the Empathic Revolution.  Many, many people on earth are becoming empathic.  This trend, if you like, is in effect an aspect of the evolution of the human being.

Please note there is a significant difference between an Empathic Healer and an Empathic.

Channel for Callah and the Ancients

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

I am my hat

Let’s talk for a moment about personality. So many people when they meet someone new the first thing they want to know is “What do you do?”- Like that suddenly defines the person you are talking to and you know them better for having this information.

So many people say “I am Irish”, “I am a Banker”, “I am a Teacher”, “I am English” - like these things define who they are. These things are not who you are.

Saying this is who you are- is like a man who wears a hat for a day and then at the end of the day decides “I am my Hat.”

Last lifetime you were not Irish, or English or a Banker. Next Lifetime chances are you will be something different again. This is one lifetime and clinging so tightly to these transitory things is so limiting.

You are not your body, your mind, your emotions, your job, your ethnicity or your religion. Who you are is not defined by personality traits or family beliefs and ties.

You are eternal. You are the soul.

Give yourself the freedom to move out of old outdated ways of being. Do not cling to such things for while they may be dear to you…they are not in truth, who you are.

They are like an item of clothing you have chosen to put on this lifetime and in the new energy you can choose not just next lifetime but this lifetime to change it.

To evolve, to grow, to re-create yourself in any way you wish to.

You are the Soul.

You are Eternal.

You are Divine.

And that is who you are.

Scribed for Spirit by Aimee

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients