The Solstice

The Solstice (depending on where you are in the world and what year it is 20, 21 or 22 June) - an important time of transition in the evolution of mankind

The Solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice a year - The Winter Solstice which occurs in June and The Summer Solstice which occurs in December - are times when the sun is at its lowest or highest point in relation to the Celestial Equator/the Celestial Sphere - when the sun reaches its northern most point or its southern most point from the earth’s equator.

Throughout the ages the Solstice has been given a significance beyond the astronomical by many civilisations - the Druids, the Ancient Egyptians, the Mayans, the Essenes, the Romans to name but a few acknowledged and honoured the Solstice; they celebrated it and aligned sacred sites to the solstice.

The Pagans acknowledged the Solstice as a point of power.  While they may not have understood all the mechanics involved they lived in harmony with the seasons and so they knew there were great shifts that took place as the seasons changed, that there was power in the change and because they acknowledged and honoured it, they were able to step into their role without reason and with full acceptance of the cycles of the earth that were in union with their own personal cycles.

Over time these old beliefs have been eroded away and relegated by the masses to superstitious nonsense having little or no bearing on the practicalities of modern living.  In fact, the significance of Solstice has for many of us, been reduced to an event that simply marks the shortest or the longest day of the year; few now remember or even recognise it as the point of power and enlightenment that it is - a point of change not only for the earth, but for humanity itself.

The year is 2016 and the earth is evolving; science in the secular community is still held as the ultimate authority on what is possible and what is not and great advances in technology are continuing to be made but, simultaneously there is also a growing awareness, an awakening in the mass consciousness to the deeper eternal truths and the inter-connectedness of all.

So, we give you another piece of the jigsaw puzzle and great unfolding mystery to your purpose on this planet and we encourage you now, to mark the coming of the Solstice - to tune in - for The Solstice is a point of power designed to support the evolution of humanity.

It is an integral part of an entire world network of subtle energies and lines of interconnectedness and communication through which subtle energetic adjustments are made.

At the time of the Solstice there is an energetic exchange and transfer of information through the Grid of the Earth; between those living in the Southern Hemisphere and those living in the Northern Hemisphere.

This information is the sum of all that has been learned in relation to the lessons and wisdoms gained that are connected to the seasonal shifts in vibration - autumn, winter, spring and summer - each is designed on the energetic and spiritual plane to facilitate inner change and growth in the human.

Those in each hemisphere take the lessons learned by their counterparts on the opposite side of the world, so to speak, and further refine them and in the next Solstice shift there is another exchange and those lessons are then transferred again to be refined even more.  With each transfer, the energy builds to create a shift in the consciousness of humanity and action on a Global level.

So, understand this, beloved friends - all is connected - you are all connected whether conscious of this or unconscious of it.  You have within you the power to change the world for the better.  It is time to remember who you are in truth; that you have within you the seed of the Divine and that what you do has an impact even on those living in a different hemisphere.

So live well with integrity and heart, stay positive despite the picture of upheaval that the world at large often presents and know that you are important and are a part of the whole.

The power is within you all to change the world for the better simply by living in harmony, and being in tune with the rhythms of the seasons.


This information on the Solstice has now been programmed into the grid of the earth by the Divine and Callah and the Ancients and is now once again available as innate knowledge to all.

Channel for Callah and the Ancients


copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

ESC's - Extra Sensory Children: A form of Giftedness

Also known as Energy Sensitive Children, known as Highly Sensitive Children in Psychological circles (Particularly in the US), known as Indigo's, Chrystal's and Rainbows in Esoteric circles and can be in some cases diagnosed as ADHD, ADD, Autistic or registering on the Autistic Spectrum.

These are the children of The New Earth, they see more, feel more, hear more and know more. They are the evolutionary change humanity has been waiting for. They come to usher in a generation of peace-makers, warriors to break down the old energy and wise ones to enlighten us.

Through their very presence and make-up they encourage us to take responsibility for the thoughts, emotions and energy we put into the world. They come to show us another way and bring hope for a new way of' being' upon the earth. They are humanity's teachers.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Extra Resources
The Highly Sensitive Child - Elaine A. Aron
Parenting The Highly Sensitive Child - Julie B. Rosenshein

Soul Mates

There are many kinds of Souls mates and they are usually a part of a larger Soul Family connection.  This Soul family connection comes directly from one’s Lineage.  So those that are of a Soul connection will come down a Lineage line and this means that they will have similar vibrations; similar histories and in some cases they will have visited each other in life times upon lifetimes and lifetimes.  The knowledge that they have of each other on a Soul level is extensive.

Soul Mates take many forms.  They can come in the form of a simple Soul Mate that is a Soul Friend and that offers Soul Friendship or of Soul Family:  Soul Brothers, Soul Sisters; Soul Mothers; Soul Fathers or Soul Family.

There are those that when they meet a Soul Mate, they feel as if they have known them forever.  Soul Mates are those that will buy you, in 3D terms the present that is exactly suited to you.  You may exist in a 3D family that has never been able to match you to something of a material nature and yet a Soul Mate will come and in a very short space of time, you will see that they know things about you that even your family that has known you longer have no idea about.  This is because the knowledge that they have of you is of a Soul nature.  They have travelled through incarnations with you and they know you intimately.

The romantic search for a Soul Mate comes from an inner desire to connect with the Divine for it is through a Soul Mate that we are able to connect more fully with our Lineage; our Soul history and our Great Maker for they very often act as a mirror; a reflector that reflects to us the Divine Love that we seek to merge with.

On the 3D lesson level, this means that Soul Mates very often mirror to us the lessons that we need to learn in order to become whole.  A Soul Mate will always support us in becoming whole; sometimes their lessons on a 3D level may be considered harsh or cruel but, a Soul Mate will always come into your life to bring to you more wholeness; to help you remember more fully who you are and sometimes Soul Mates are the ones that strip the inauthentic layers from your persona so that you are more able to fully see the truth and the immensity of the Soul that you are.

Twin Flames

Twin Flame connections are chosen before the Soul is even birthed.  Before the Soul is birthed there are particular connections where the Souls have taken on energies from each other which will allow them to connect more fully.

It is not completely that you have found your other half; more you have found your mirror.  You have found the one that mirrors the essence that lies within and you mirror the essence that lies within them.

A Twin Flame connection is a rare thing.  A Twin Flame is an energy that exists in particular lineage lines.  It does not exist in all lineage lines.  There are only a couple of lineages that exist that have this dynamic; this makeup; this energetic setup.

It is a strong energy that comes directly from The Source.  This energy finds Souls that are appropriate channels for this energy and when these Souls come together you have a Twin Flame connection.  It is a pure, divine connection because the Divine energy channels through both Souls and seeks to be reunited through the connection of those two Souls.

In order for a Twin Flame connection to exist there needs to be the ability or the gift in that vessel to channel.  There needs to be a pure connection to The Source; not necessarily a pure channel as the energy is still able to channel through but, it will be tainted.  If the energy of the channel is pure then the connection is pure.

The purpose of a Twin Soul connection is designed to bring immense pure Divine Love into a family Soul connection so that it is able to vibrate higher and work from a higher space in order to achieve the missions that the Divine has set upon them.

What happens is that the Divine Love pours out to these two vessels through their connection to each other.  Then this Divine Love radiates out; it radiates out to every member of that Soul family and then that Soul family radiates out that energy and so on and so on.

Not everyone within the Soul family network is able to channel a Twin Family connection.  It is a way that the Divine has found for Souls to connect fully to The Source; it is a way for those that are destined for great things and great missions that the Source has given unto them to maintain a strong balanced energy to the Divine.  The Twin Flame connections are designed to keep those that have great missions connected to the purity of Divine Love.

This is why it is large Souls; old Souls that are able to hold the energy of a Twin Flame connection.  It is not something for everyone because; it is for those that have great missions upon the Earth because they need the extra energetic support in order to fulfil those missions.  Very often these Souls are either extremely involved in the energy world or they are Souls that are outwardly doing good in the World and need that energetic support given through the Twin Flame connection.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Treatment Terminology

PROTOCOLS for these treatments have been gifted to the Team by Callah and the Ancients and the Divine Sources of Light with which they work.

They are very specific and there are a lot of components to healing and transforming within them.

There are also unique energies pertaining to the Individual Soul’s journey that need to be addressed within the protocols.  

Therefore, to ensure correct procedures are adhered to and to safeguard the energetic and spiritual integrity of the work done any healing of these issues must be carried out by Callah and the Ancients team members or by a Healer that has been trained and certified in these protocols by the Callah and the Ancients team. 



Trauma by definition is unexpected and so there is a degree of shock not only to the physical body but also to the energy body.

The trauma is stored at a Cellular/DNA level and it shatters an innate sense of safety and this affects behaviour, perception and in turn thinking processes.  It is all linked.

Trauma can be quite dormant within a person’s system and it usually requires a trigger to reinitiate it.

It can be calmed and returned to dormancy fairly easily once the vibratory trigger has passed. The reason it needs to be healed is because of the impact it has when it hits and what it does to the body.  In the 4th dimension everything exists in the now and therefore so too does the trauma that has hit the body.



A Soul Impaction Trauma differs from a trauma in that it hits the Soul.  Once a true Soul Impaction Trauma has been initiated there is a change in a being’s vibratory field, the vibratory field change does not change back and continues to resonate with trauma in ensuing incarnations and so in a very real sense the body and the energy body continues to be in trauma from that moment on and this creates an inner stress.

The Karmic field is affected as a result of the vibratory field continuing to resonate with trauma and this inevitably leads to more traumatic experiences as like vibrations are drawn in through the law of attraction.  Trauma compounds upon trauma and a vicious cycle is generated because the being affected cannot alter the outcome by changing their thoughts or their patterns of being for their vibratory field will always return to a vibration of trauma.

Soul Impaction Traumas can be earth based or Star-based.  To heal them, it is necessary to go back to the original trauma and begin the treatment from that point.



A Depression Virus grows out of a core circumstance and that can be an event or situation that does not necessarily come from a person’s current incarnation; it can be several incarnations or more old.

In such cases the Virus can remain dormant, until external circumstances provide an environment in which it can grow and flourish.

It does have a reach very similar to that of a Victim Virus in that it can energetically trigger this energy and manipulate it in others and then feed of those vibrations in others.

Depression Viruses can be managed but, generally once formed, unless correct protocols are followed, the virus remains in a person’s energetic makeup.

If a Depression Virus reaches the base Chakra it can trigger the premature exit from an incarnation.

It is therefore preferable to have it completely removed from the energetic makeup.



An energetic Virus that needs the right environment to grow; it is very much a humanoid characteristic and it is rampant on the Earth today.

It may lie dormant in one incarnation but have its roots in another, which has the right environment in which it can live.

It has the ability to grow and to manipulate the emotions and mental patterns of the person affected.

It can in the right environment be quite vicious and it can manipulate the external energetic environment of a being in order to grow; if it grows enough it can reach into another person’s Auric Field and feed off their energy.  It can also activate in another, any dormant Victim Virus in their energetic makeup.



These entities are first initiated in a person by an external source and they can trace back many incarnations.

An Abuse Entity in a person’s energetic makeup damages the Antakharana (Spiritual Cord.).  It initiates changes in behaviour and perception and in some people can create a pattern of self-abuse.

Given the right external environment the Abuse Entity can turn a harmonious relationship abusive.  It is an insidious energy that can spread and exist within partner’s, children and in Spiritual Entourages and in the Guide Layers.



This is a system within the energetic makeup of the human which, when fully functioning, allows safe interaction and exchange of information between other selves, in other dimensions.  The average human has five Inter-dimensional selves experiencing different lives in other realities of Earth.

Damage to this System can create imbalances in a person for example: an inability to be grounded or earthed in this incarnation may be caused by a dysfunction in their Inter-dimensional System.



The Intuitive System is a complex system in the human energetic makeup that allows a person to access their inner wisdom and access knowledge, that enables them to know the next best move in order to navigate their life and fulfil their life mission.

If this system is off-line, it affects a person on many levels including, their connection to their Soul Contract and to The Divine Source.



This is an energy that can be in an individual’s makeup that holds their pain.  It was born of pain and it feeds on pain.  It can be eons old, large or small.  It can evolve to actually manipulate an Individual’s external environment to create experiences that will cause pain in order to feed its energy and to survive.

If an attempt is made to remove it or dissolve it, the Pain Body will retaliate and attack either the host being or the healer.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Transformative Shields

We are now entering a period of Earth Evolution where vibration, frequencies and other energies will have a major impact on what manifests on the 3D plane, or our physical reality.

Not all of these energies have a positive impact on our being or our lives. Many ‘Sensitives’, Clairvoyants and other gifted people have been aware of these ‘unseen forces’ or energies at play in our physical reality for many years and have always taken steps to limit or manage the amount of impact from them on their daily lives.

There have always been those throughout Earth history that have acknowledged the energetic impact of the planetary cycles through astrology and others of the energetic significance of numerology but ,there is more, much more to be known and understood about the forces that impact on this world.

Many people previously not awake to their spiritual heritage and potentials are becoming more aware of these energies which were once subtle but are no longer.

In a world that is fully whole and at peace with itself; in a world where every sentient being knows who they are in truth and lives from that truth, there would be no need to take steps to daily shield ourselves from unseen negative or darker energies, for the energies would reflect that world and the inhabitants of such a world; they would mirror peace, love and joy.

However, we do not yet live in this ideal Utopia, instead we live in a world of transition, of evolution and of lessons; a world that is energetically linked to parallel Universes, an infinite number of other dimensions, realms, spaces and places including galactic and inter-galactic; a world linked to an infinite number of other races in other places. There is no end and what happens on the Earth affects all of these and they in turn impact on the Earth.

So, in a world that is becoming more energetic in nature how do we deal with those energies that are intrusive and disruptive?

The simple answer is, to transform them through Divine Love but, while we are on our own individual journeys of transformation this can be difficult. While at our core we all exist in a state of Grace and Divine Love, our outer expressions seldom reflect this. We might manage a day of living in Divine Love, but the average Soul has so many wounds that are in need of healing, that to continually mirror to the rest of humanity let alone those close to them, Divine Love, is a herculean task.

All emotion is at its core energy. With every unhealed wound or aspect of ourselves, with every moment of frustration, anger, resentment, pain and suffering; doorways to other spaces and places, realms in sync with the vibrations of these emotions, open. The wound is fed and grows and there is an overflow of negative energy that impacts on all those connected to the wounded Soul.

In this interim space of lesson and healing, the best answer for all is to build shields that help maintain personal balance.

There are many types of shields and many ways of making them but, the shields the team finds best are what Divine Spirit calls ‘transformative’, allowing negative energies that hit them to be transformed.

Negative energies tend to hit those that are not transformative, bouncing off them to then hit someone else and therefore causing harm, or they bounce back to the being or source from whence they originated thereby increasing the negative pressure.

Protocols for making Transformative Shields:

1) Invoke to the Supreme God and Angels your guides, other higher Divine Beings (as you wish) for help.

2) Focus and bring Divine Light down through your Crown Chakra. Let this Light fill your entire being.

3) Breathe in and out slowly and allow the Light to expand outwards into your auric field layers.

4) This Light may change colour. Allow it to be any colour that feels right for you.

5) Request to the Higher Beings that this light totally surrounds you and is strengthened and stabilised to create a shield.

6) Give intent for this energy to protect you physically and from negative emotional, mental and spiritual energies.

7) Instruct that this shield be externally very strong and that it have an outer layer that transmutes negative energies.

8) Ask, that this shield be internally permeable to allow negative and used up energies to exit through it.

9) Be clear in your intent that the shield is to last the day: 24 hours and that with the exception of the Supreme God, an appointed Angelic authority or yourself, no being or energy can tamper with or alter the programming for this shield.

10) Then give thanks.

(Remember Dear Friends, pure intent will get you there)

I have yet to discover a shield that offers total and complete protection as some energies can still find a way through using those negative vibrations which run through an individuals own energetic makeup. Please note that anger acts as a corrosive on shields. If you get angry, it is best to energetically clear the anger and then rebuild your shields.

Transformative Filters and cords

There is always an energetic component involved when two or more individuals interact on the physical plane. Energetic cords extend from one individual to another and these cords act as channels for energetic transfers from one being to another.

Placing a transformative filter in these cords between individuals serves the dual purpose of an individual’s keeping their energy clear and intact while simultaneously transforming any lower vibrations coming through the connection from or through them from other sources.

In essence a transformative filter is another type of shield but it is specific to an individual’s connections. It can also be used between and individual and the entities of spaces such as work, the entities of malls when shopping, between an individual’s connection to their family entity and on their genealogical lines.

Again, asking with pure intent, you’re Guides and the Divine to construct these filters on all your daily connections will suffice.

Peace be with you all.

Channel for Callah and the Ancients


copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients