High Vibrational Shields - updated

These Shield Protocols have primarily been created in answer to the devastations wrought by the added pressures created through the World pandemic, mass vaccinations and the darker energies and entities that have embraced and fed off the current world environment.
Your energetic and Spiritual makeup is integral to your wellbeing and your movement forward in life and it is therefore imperative that we shield ourselves every day.
They do not however, negate Soul lessons or the need to continue to elevate, as much as possible, your own energetic and Spiritual makeup through self-healing, the practise of self-love and care, gratitude, and appreciation, focusing on the positive, and feeding the spark of the Divine within. For it is in the elevation of our own being that we find the least energetic impaction from lower vibrating energies, and that the potential exists for us to experience greater flow, prosperity, wellbeing and connection to the Divine.
I suggest that the easiest way to do these shields is, each day connect with the Callah and the Ancients Divine energy on the pink covered CD. Just breathe in and out slowly and deeply, centre yourself in your own divinity, and then while playing the CD, read with intent the Protocol/s aloud. Visualize (if you are able) the construction of the shield as you read and trust that by the time you have finished reading, the work is complete. Remember, we never work alone.
If you do not have the pink covered Callah and the Ancients “Coming Home” CD then invoke to the Divine, your Guides and Spiritual Entourage; imagine yourself encased in an egg‑shaped bubble that surrounds your entire body (remember to take it under your feet); feel this bubble of light surrounding you and then recite the Protocol for the Shielding. Give thanks to the Divine and their assistance and you are done.
Shields, particularly during this phase of human evolution, need to be done daily.
Love, light, and blessings
Channel for Callah and the Ancients
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Personal Shields
(Suggested Invocation, You can change this, if you wish, to one that resonates more with you. You can add other immediate unvaccinated family names here to also shield them. Be clear in your intent that the shields are very individual to each person. If you are including in your invocation other family member/s such as parents, husband/wife/partner, siblings or children, ask the Divine to calibrate their shield in a way that is appropriate to the individual. Covid Vaccinated members who have not been psychically/energetically restored or who are not in the process of psychic restoration, will need to be shielded differently and separately).
I invoke to the Supreme Being, to the Galactic Mother and Father, to the Galactic Angels, to Callah and the Ancients, to the Karmic Guardians, to Mother and Father Gaia, to the Archangels, Angels and to all those that stand with me/us, before me/us, beside me/us and behind me/us in Divine Love, support, guidance, compassion, and strength in the building of protective shields for myself, my life and…... I give intent to co-create with Divine Spirit, Transformational Shields to protect the Integrity of all aspects of my/and their energetic and spiritual systems, in accordance with my/and their Soul purpose, Divine right and in line with the Divine Plan and the shifting vibrational and energetic landscapes of the New Earth.
I trust that through my pure intent and Divine Support these shields provide me/and them, with space and the opportunity to navigate this world whole and balanced: in truth, faith, peace, with greater clarity and vision, lightness of heart, abundance and through healthy harmonious connections.
Fuelled through my belief, supported by the Divine and higher Universal energies, my/and their shield is impenetrable to all lower vibrations, energies, and entities. It/the shields cannot be taken, altered or tampered with by any low vibrational external energies of interference, and it/they will stay in place and strong for a minimum of 24 hours.
The shielding is layered to protect my/and their Physical, Mental, Emotional, Psychic and Spiritual Fields and all Psychic Connections thereby creating an energetic environment that supports my/and their emotional, physical, mental health and security in all situations, all dimensions, spaces and realities and events traversed, only allowing my/and their good through.
My/and their shield is Transformative. Through my intention and faith and with Divine Support the shield/s is/are structured according to the will of the Divine to block, neutralise or transform in all directions of time, space, dimensions and realities (Past, Present and Future): ALL energies of psychic attack; ALL curse energy, ALL entities and energies of lower and harmful vibrations, aggression, suppression and interference; ALL energetic psychological and emotional manipulation; ALL lower vibrational and darker energies and entities of the current World environment and of shifting realities not in line with my/their good, Soul purpose and the Divine Plan; ALL energies and entities connected to my employment/career/study/education, businesses and the entity of the area, province/county/ state and of the country in which I/they live.
The shield/s is/are individually encoded through the Divine to prevent energetic vampirism, particularly from or coming through psychically starved beings and entities but, it/they allow an energy transference in instances where my/and their Soul has given permission.
The shield though impenetrable to all negatively impactful energies, vibrations, and entities, is internally permeable, allowing old and used up energy to exit and through the transformational layering be transformed into higher vibrations to be used for the repair and strengthening of my/and their shield.
I include in the Shielding Process, through my intent and with Divine and Universal support, the creation of Transformational Filters on all my/and their connections (past, present and future) to block, neutralise or transform to light, across time and space, realities and dimensions and the psychic plane, all lower vibrations or other harmful energies that would be transferred through my/and their interactions and connections to ALL: personal connections to my/and their genealogical lines, family entities such as marriage/partnership, siblings, children, parents, extended family members and other relationships and other partnerships; relationship entities formed through friendships; links to my/and their home and property entities, links to the Internet, Social Media sites, Television, groups of interest, all phone connections and interactions; Retail sites and stores, businesses and all connections to work/colleagues/clients, and to others of lesser acquaintance; local authority entities including those of Education or Medical institutions or organisations I am/they are connected or affiliated with; the entity of the area, region and the country I/they live in and on my/their connection to the World entity of the mass consciousness of humanity.
The Transformative Shield/s and the Filters on all my/and their connections cannot be taken by others and only allow my/and their good to come through and are individually encoded to me/and them through the Divine for my/and their further protection through the Divine by the Grace of the Divine.
As I will it so be it and through the Grace of the Divine, so it is.

Home Shields
I invoke (only necessary if doing these shields as separate from the Personal shields): Bless my home and property with strong impregnable Transformative Shields that protect from harm for 24 hours, the home and the property.
I co-create with Divine Spirit through strong focus, pure intent and faith shields designed to protect my home and property in all directions of time and space, dimensions and realties from all external energies, entities and vibrations that would negatively impact my home.
Through the Grace of the Divine and with faith and pure intention the shields create a space in which I can feel at peace, in harmony with the environment, rest and rejuvenate, experience a oneness with self and the Divine within; step away from world energies; have a sense of energetic security and the freedom to create and manifest my journey forward with greater clarity and joy.
Fuelled through intention, faith and the Divine, Transformative energy encases the shielding and resonates out from it encompassing all directions of time and Space, dimensions, and realities.
Internally permeable, the shields allow for daily accumulated negative used energies from within my home to exit through the shields, transforming into higher vibrational energies as they pass through the shield’s Transformative Field.
The shields block, neutralise or transform to light all external lower vibrations, disharmonic sound and sonic waves, psychic attack energies, spells, curses, vendetta energies and negative impaction from energies, entities and realities emanating from neighbouring properties.
The shielding also includes strong transformative filters on my property and home connections to: entities of the area and region in which I live, to the entities of banks and agencies of regional authorities.
This shield will stay strong and stable for 24 hours. It is encoded for the purpose It was created through the Grace of the Divine and cannot be taken or interfered with in any way by energies not sanctioned by the Divine.
I give thanks to the Divine, to all those of Light who stand with me, beside me, before me and behind me in love and support in the creation of these protections.

Vehicle Shields
I invoke to the Divine: With faith, trust, and belief in my Divine purpose. I give intent to co-create with the Divine, Transformative shields to protect my vehicle and its entity, to promote economy, to facilitate safe, enjoyable travel, and greater clarity and supportive energy for me and any others travelling with me. The shield’s protection covers all directions of time, space, regions, dimensions, and realities traversed.
I co-create with Spirit for the shield to stay strong and stable for 24 hours; for it to protect from all lower vibrations: (past, present and future) psychic attack, spells, curses, vendettas, and negative karma belonging to others and ALL darker or lower vibrational entities and energies including those created through the pandemic and mass of vaccinations and those from entities of areas, towns and cities travelled through and from passing and on route traffic.
I give intent for the transformative field of the shield to dissolve all hooks, energetic tracking mechanisms, and disengage from all accident entities or energies – past, present, or future.
The shields are internally permeable allowing negative and used up energies from within the vehicle to pass through and transform into higher vibrations through the transformational layering as they exit. Only my good and the higher vibrational energies of healing, love, support, and guidance can penetrate these shields.
I give thanks: to the Divine and to all who stand with me, behind me, beside me, and before me in Divine Love, Support and in the creation of these shields.

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