Prayer of Forgiveness

I may never have learned to live so fully
Without a captor to rage against

I may never have learned of Divine Love’s Journey
Without the absence of love to show me the truth of my existence

I may never have known the ways of the free
Without a heart that yearned to be so

I may never have grown to be someone I am proud of
Without having first been someone I did not recognise

I may never have learnt of compassion
Without seeing both sides of the war

So thank-you to those souls who walked the path of unconsciousness
That I might remember who I am

Thank you for your hatred, your betrayals, your vendettas, your anger and your pride
Thank you for your tears and your rage
Thank you for the words, the actions and deeds of cruelty and malice
Thank you for your sorrows, your struggles; your absence of love
Thank you for the wounds, the walls and the fear…

Because of you I have learned to love and live fully, to be a devoted servant of God and to always remember who I am.

Because of you I have learnt the power of forgiveness and its ability to set you free
Because of you I learnt to accept my anger and use it to fuel the fires of my successes
Because of you I have learned to appreciate my humanness and be humble
Because of you I have learned of compassion and tolerance… acceptance of one another’s differences

Because of you I have learnt to have healthy boundaries and that it is ok to be strong when the path is righteous and the intent is pure and of the light

Because of you I have learned that words have power, the power to tear down and the power to build up. So I try to choose mine carefully

Because of you I have learned it is not enough to speak love we must act out from this place/space of love within us
That any small deed can change the course of the day for anyone-
That we have it within our power every moment we have the chance to make someone feel good about themselves and what they do

Because of you I know that even those that turn against us have struggles and sorrows of their own. Everyone we meet is a great soul and worthy of respect and love and each person is at a different stage in their journey and evolution and is not always as aware as us

Because of you I learnt what divine love means because I thought I felt its absence
I know now that every living thing contains this divine love
Everything vibrates with this divine love - you have only to wake up and tap into it

Because of you I learnt of my own shortcomings and limitations and I learned how to accept and love them and this has made me whole

Because of you I learned the power of reaching out and asking for help
I learnt what it means to be a part of a community of support within and without

Because of you I learned how to break through and breathe through my fear
Because of you I now know what it is to be unafraid
To be brave and courageous even when I fear
To do what is right in the face of great resistance
To be an empowered soul and no longer a victim
Because of you I am healing and have become a conduit of healing for others
Because of you I know what it is to stand alone and not be alone at all

You have given so much, your lessons were harsh and cruel but you gave me back my life, my love, my purpose and myself

Thank you for your contribution to my life

I forgive you

And I am free

Scribed for Spirit by Aimee


copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Prayer for This Space

Light of the Worlds, Fill this Space


Light of the Immense, Bless this Space


Light of Existence, Transform this Space


Into a Beacon of Light


Into a Beacon of Love


Into a Paradise Garden of the Soul


Where every Heart is Accepted and Loved


Where every Dream is Cherished and Nurtured


Where every Soul is Free to Journey Within


Safe from all that would inhibit the Expansiveness of their Being


Safe from all that would seek to limit them


Held Within the Arms of Spirit


Let every Being be Blessed with Divine Sight, Divine Faith, Divine Love,

Divine Knowing and Divine Peace.


As We Will It, So Be It.

Scribed for Spirit by Aimee

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients