Soul and Vibrational Paintings
Each painting is unique, and holds Spiritual energies channelled through Aimee.
These paintings ‘speak’ to the individuals for whom they were created and assist them on their Spiritual path through the great Earth shifts.
The paintings are energetically complex; often layers deep, and carry universal symbols, numerology, portals, sacred geometry, star gateways, and other energies significant in an individual soul’s journey.
Above, sample channelled painting
You are invited to click the butterfly icon above and join with spirit at our Divinely Inspired gallery.
Each painting carries a message from Divine Spirit. This is worked around the edge of the frame, and is specific to the soul for whom the painting was commissioned.
Aimee is an instrument of Divine Spirit and is instructed in all aspects of a painting including canvas size, brush strokes, colours, and images. While working Aimee often experiences flashes of a soul’s past lives, including traumatic events as yet unhealed. As a result a soul often receives healing before the painting is completed.
Paintings may be purchased at Callah and the Ancients’ Channelling Events, Workshops, and online.
To commission a Vibrational soul painting please contact us.
Callah and the Ancients 'Coming Home'
This painting has been channelled through Aimee as the cover for the CD 'Coming Home'.This CD is an energy treatment; with the intent to restore balance and to bring transformation, healing, connection and Divine love. Channelled through Kim, the energy manifested through this CD exists outside of space and time. It is sacred, and is continually connected to Callah and the Ancients. Original music by international musician Sika, underpins the different light languages channelled, to make this CD easy to listen to on a daily basis.
Gaia's Song
This painting is for the cover of the Gaia’s Song CD, which has now been released for sale. This CD is a collection of beautiful and haunting meditations channelled by the energies of Gaia through Aimee; and supported by the channelled music of international artist Sika.
You are invited to click the butterfly icon above and join with spirit at our Divinely Inspired gallery.
Spiritual message:
Your journey from the heavens has been an arduous one, and though fallen from the realms known, where
power and knowing were yours to be held in sacred embrace, you have not stayed lost. Though you have
been empty and barren you have retained the essence of who you are and within this essence does your
strength and great knowing abide. Beautiful is the garden that blossoms within your heart. Soon it shall spill
out into your life and there it shall remain, a magic that cannot be lost because it was first found within.
Channelled by Aimee.