A World of Energy

Workshops and Mentoring Sessions available through Callah and the Ancients



  • A World of Energy Workshop
  • Energetic Hygiene in the 4th Dimension
  • Energetic Hygiene in the 4th Dimension: Advanced
  • Energetic Hygiene in the 4th Dimension: For Healers, Psychics and Mediums
  • Waters of life: Empathic Workshop
  • Parents of Sensitive Children
  • Great Souls, Little Bodies: Children’s Workshop
  • The Gaia Workshops 1, 2, 3
  • Mentoring Sessions
  • Gifted: Mentoring Session
  • Empathic Healers Mentoring Session
  • Empathic Healers Mentoring Session: Advanced
  • Working with Mother Gaia: Mentoring Session
  •  Creative Spark Mentoring Session
  • Good Vibrations Mentoring Session and Workshop
  • A Spiritual Sojourn into Meditation


A World of Energy Workshop

This workshop has been re-designed to impart knowledge about how the universe works and incorporates new information on manifestation and karmic cycles.  How to access the Interdimensional aspects of ourselves that can strengthen our journey now is but one of the topics covered.  There is more to our make-up and how experiences find us in the multitude of potentials that exist than most ever know about.


Energetic Hygiene in the 4th Dimension

This workshop is designed to empower the individual and provides information to create safe passage across the bridge of evolution into the 5th dimension.  This workshop includes the teaching of protocols and energy set ups to assist in the necessary personal energetic hygiene needed in this time of transition.


Energetic Hygiene in the 4th Dimension: Advanced

This workshop takes a deeper look into the many energetic influences and energies that in the 4th dimension impact negatively on the individual and their journey.  This workshop includes; how to recognise these energies when they are present and ways to deal with them.  The advanced workshop is offered to those who have experienced the other side of the energy world.  Not all is of the light but, all ultimately comes from God.  All can be transformed/healed and all can be returned to the source of divine love.


Energetic Hygiene in the 4th Dimension: For Healers, Psychics and Mediums

This is a workshop specifically designed for Healers, Psychics and Mediums who are not only needing to be responsible for their own energetic hygiene but in ensure safe passages for those they work with a treat.  Learn how to create sacred spaces in which to work, how to move unwanted negative energy on and how to ensure your clients leave you energeticly clear.  Learn how to clear your own energy between clients and how to ensure you are energetically clear when finishing your working day.  This is a must for any one engaged in regular sojourns into the world of the spiritual to help others find their way.


Waters of life: Empathic Workshop

This is a workshop in which the empathic healer in our team shares her experiences and offers wisdom and practical tools to assist one in this journey as we all become more emotionally sensitive in the new energy.  Some of the topics covered include history of the Empathic healer, details of the Empath i.e. what it feels and looks like, different types of Empathics and tools to live a comfortable life.  This workshop includes practical exercises, meditations and Channels from Callah and the Ancients.


Parents of Sensitive Children

This workshop is designed for those who are caring for and guiding the very special new children that exist on the planet.  These children are often very wise but, extremely sensitive to different energies.  They can withdraw or become very aggressive, when faced with an energetic over flow.  Learn the reason for this new phase in evolution, how to clear the energies for them and create more balance and harmony in their lives and in yours.


Great Souls, Little Bodies: Children’s Workshop

This workshop is for children aged 7 and up, who are energetically gifted or sensitive.  A fun informative workshop that celebrates the gifts these children have and teaches them techniques to follow their inner guidance, to connect with their guides and to clear their energy.

Note: Each child must be accompanied by an adult.


The Gaia Workshops 1, 2, 3

These workshops are built around a series of channelled writings that came through The Collective of Gaia, an entourage of Spiritual energies that are connected to Mother Gaia.  Hear her beautiful message, learn what she wishes to gift to us and the knowledge she brings to allow us to more deeply connect with her.  Workshops cover messages for her Earth warriors, visions of a new earth and vibrational information in relation to Gaia among other things.

Note: We strongly recommend, due to the down-loads involved, that all three workshops are attended even though they may run some space apart.  This time delay is to give time for integration of the information.  Mother Gaia welcomes you to her world.


Mentoring Sessions

(Please note: many mentoring sessions may require you to complete a pre-requisite, before attending.  This is to ensure knowledge is passed on to those who will understand it and use it wisely.)


Gifted: Mentoring Session

(Pre-requisite: Personal Treatment and/or attendance to a Callah and the Ancients Workshop)

This session is for anyone who is spiritually gifted and desires to learn how to use these gifts to benefit themselves and humanity.  Subjects covered in this session include Clairvoyants, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Claircognance.  Sometimes our gifts can carry a large weight.  Clairaudients may hear the terror of the suffering, clairvoyants may see the darker aspects in their visions. This is a session designed to help you learn how to carry what you have been given in a safe way, so you may continue to live in joy and enjoy these gifts. There are many types of gifts available in the 4th dimension, learn how to use them wisely and for the benefit of all.


Empathic Healers Mentoring Session

(Pre-requisite: Personal Treatment and/or attendance to the Waters of Life: Empathic Workshop)

Are you an Empathic Healer?  Do you constantly feel weighed down by the extreme sensitivity you have to people, places and situations filled with denser energies.  Does this feel like a gift or a curse?  This is a mentoring session for those who are at a loss as to how to use this powerful gift to benefit themselves and humanity.  If you seek harmony, clarity of thought and peace and knowledge of the fullness of this gift and how to use it in a safe and balanced way, then this session in for you.  Learn how to balance your energy and bring joy and peace into your manifested realities.  Learn how this gift connects to the human consciousness and the planet.


Empathic Healers Mentoring Session: Advanced

(Pre-requisite: Attendance to the Empathic Healers Mentoring Session)

This session builds on the knowledge gained through the previous mentoring session.  More information on the Empathic Healers links with Mother Gaia.  How to access Higher Vibrational Spaces as you go about your day and how to Create Higher Vibrating Spaces, are just some of the things included in this session.


Working with Mother Gaia: Mentoring Session

(Pre-requisite: Personal Treatment and attendance to A Gaia Workshop)

This is a session designed for those who have a strong connection to Mother Gaia and wish to further their knowledge and learn how to use that connection to balance themselves and others.  This mentoring session is designed to create knowledge that will allow you to work at Higher Levels with Mother Gaia to create equilibrium and through energetic connective channels assist in the lifting of the planets vibration.  This is a chance to learn more and be consciously involved in the evolution of humanity through your connection to Mother Gaia.


Creative Spark Mentoring Session

(Pre-requisite: Personal Treatment)

This mentoring session is designed for those creative souls that are in need of direction or feel they have blockages to the creative energy flowing freely through them.  Designed to be a comprehensive package of downloads from Spirit including, marketing advice to get you out there spreading your gift to the world, sets ups that are appropriate for your spaces energetically and gives you access to Divine Spirits guidance through the spiritual channels of Kim and Aimee to ascertain the soul purpose of your creative expression.


Good Vibrations Mentoring Session and Workshop

(Pre-requisite: Personal Treatment and attendance to two other Callah and the Ancients Workshops)

This mentoring session/workshop is designed for those who have been working on themselves and in the world of energy for an extended period of time.  This is for those souls who feel they have a greater understanding of who they are and how to protect and manage their energy and the world of energy around them.  If this sounds like you, and you are ready for the next step… this is it!  A sacred space is created through Callah and the Ancients to allow you to come into your own soul song and through sacred song and dance connect with the deeper aspects of yourself, your soul, and the divine flowing through you.  This is a beautiful experiential workshop, where the boundaries that keep us bound to this mortal coil are able to fall away to reveal the essence of ourselves and our connection to the Divinity that exists in all things.


A Spiritual Sojourn into Meditation

This workshop aims to:

  • Help you understand and dissolve your personal blocks to meditation.
  • Provide practical tools to quieten the mind.
  • Provide information on the energetic and spiritual mechanics of your connection to the Divine.
  • To provide information on protecting your unique energy in group meditations.
  • To provide meditations and other practical exercises to increase your receptivity.