Spiritual message:

Your journey from the heavens has been an arduous one, and though fallen from the realms known, where power and knowing were yours to be held in sacred embrace, you have not stayed lost. Though you have been empty and barren you have retained the essence of who you are and within this essence does your strength and great knowing abide. Beautiful is the garden that blossoms within your heart. Soon it shall spill out into your life and there it shall remain, a magic that cannot be lost because it was first found within.
Channelled by Aimee.

Light Language for Littlies CD


(free mp3 downloads)


Light Language for Littlies; a gift from Callah and the Ancients

This is a free download; a gift of love from Callah and the Ancients, for all children but, particularly for the highly sensitive new children of the Earth. These recordings hold, as with the pink covered “Coming Home” CD, living divine energy and therefore can with pure intent be worked with.

The tracks are to clear lower vibrations and negative energies and to build an energetically more comfortable space for children; the first two tracks have been channelled for a child/children’s morning and the second two tracks for the evening.

As with the “Coming Home” CDs these recordings become attuned to the child/children they have been downloaded for and therefore once downloaded should not be copied to be used by others. It is best that each household downloads their own copy.

We advise parents/caregivers to contact us through our website should an energy surface or be absorbed by a child/children that resists the channels on these recordings and that continues to cause issues as the problem may be larger and more complex than can be handled through the initial intention and purpose of the channels.

Love, light and blessings

Light Language for Littlies - Morning - 16mb - 17min Download (right click to save)

Light Language for Littlies - Night - 9mb - 9.5min Download (right click to save)