Gaia’s Song CD
Gaia’s Song
This is a fantastic meditative CD; it is unique in so many ways. It is truly beautiful and the channels by Aimee are filled with parmonics; a high resonance, vibrating to frequencies that link to the higher realms and are heard by the Higher Self. Parmonics also have the ability to clear denser vibrations and realign the Soul with its Divinity.
This collection of beautiful and haunting meditations channelled by the divine energies of Gaia through Aimee; are supported by the channelled music of international artist Sika.
You can relax at the end of the day or whenever, you a feeling a little overwhelmed by Life.
It also helps to reconnect you to the earth and the many divine energies channelled through this CD, resonate with Gaia to also help the healing of the earth and the many energies connected to her.
We have had great feedback from those who have purchased a copy of this CD. Silvia and our admin lady, in particular love this CD.
So, we give thanks to all those involved in the production of this CD: Aimee, Callah and the Ancients, Sika and the Production Company, Forge Media.