12nd March 2020
Earth Shifts
There has been a lot of confusion going around in the last few months as many people experience unexpected and often sudden shifts in their lives – changes in relationships including partnerships and friendships, the falling away of careers, employment, shifts in those around them etc. Personal agendas and goals have eroded away or are in the process of dissolving and many of you are left wondering why – what has happened and what next?
Simply put someone or something has moved the goal posts in your life. Through a series of Earth Shifts in the last few months of 2019, the earth’s vibration has risen substantially higher and the evolutionary path for all – human and animal has once again significantly altered.
It is important that we understand these shifts in the Earth’s vibration and what they mean for us as individuals and collectively for the pressure on all to heal and to transform has intensified.
The information given on the current Earth Shifts is vitally important for the current shifts in the Earth’s vibration are a game changer in the evolution of the planet. These shifts will impact all of humanity, the Earth and animal life; all will be impacted by them. It is important that we understand these shifts and what they mean for all of us for the pressure on individuals to heal and to transform their lives has just intensified.
So, what are Earth shifts?
They are shifts in the vibration of the Earth Grid to which we are all connected and through which we access information that effects on a subtle energetic level how we think and feel and how we connect to the mass consciousness of the world.
There are two types of Earth shifts. The first is in response to the instructions pulsating from the mass of human consciousness as to what is needed for the next phase of the evolution of humanity and the Earth.
The vibration field around the Earth shifts in direct correlation to what is needed for this evolutionary step. Each shift in vibration therefore has purpose but in order for it to fully work and for the vibration of the Earth to lift and solidify in the Grid, all Souls that resonate with the new and higher vibration need to be able to push their personalities on the physical (or 3D plane) through the evolutionary processes and letting go that is needed to step into the higher vibrations.
There is a dual pull on Souls who resonate with the shift because as the Earth’s vibration lifts it pulls them into the shift anyway and so there is a pull from the Soul and from the higher energy of the Earth’s vibration.
Not everyone connects into this change immediately, and therefore there has been a disparity at times between those that have connected to the higher vibrations and those who have not.
The second type of Earth shifts are those that have been orchestrated by the Divine and Mother Gaia and these are not linked into the mass of human consciousness; they are instead directly linked into what is in the Divine Plan for the Evolution of the Earth and the Evolution of humanity and of existence.
These shifts do not require the human being or the Soul to lift into them in order to reach Critical Mass to solidify; they do not require this. Earth shifts that are divinely orchestrated solidify on their own.
They continue to pull Souls and personalities into the Soul lessons and through evolutionary processes that are required for the individual to resonate with the shift. All who are not able to do so; all those who have not done enough inner work and all those who resist this shift into a higher vibratory field will find themselves increasingly uncomfortable. This is because the Earth’s vibration has lifted and it is not going to change – there is no going back to the way things have been.
These shifts are Global shifts and affect all of humanity; this cannot be stressed enough. The impact of them is unavoidable and all on this planet, including animals in order to prosper will need to transform, will need to heal, will need to change their perception on life and how they live it and they will need to do this within the space of a few years. There is no other way in which to navigate these changes in the Earth’s vibration.
To quote Divine Spirit “It is the same as when you draw in breath and you expel your breath; there is no avoiding that it is oxygen you will take in and it is C02 that you will breathe out; there is no other way; this is the way that the Earth works and this how the vibratory shifts on the Earth level that are Divinely orchestrated work”
We have been keeping a written record of the major shifts in the Earth’s vibrations since 2012.
There have been shifts every year, all with purpose but, to date, including the Earth shifts in October, November and December of 2019, only 6 have been Divinely Orchestrated.-
The first Divinely orchestrated shift since 2012 was the energy shift that allowed for the coming or gathering of Light Workers, the second was 2014 and was related to the alignment of Soul Family lineages and in 2016 the shift from Holders of the Energy to Makers of Shift; the latter shift was a 3 year transition.
The divinely orchestrated shifts of 2019 came at the end of an already energetically and spiritually tough year beginning with the “after-shocks”, if you like to use that term for the 3 shifts, that rode in on the major earth vibrational shift of November 2018. While the November shift was not a Divinely orchestrated shift, it was still very, very large and was significantly impactful on the physical plane.
However, the October, November and December 2019 Earth shifts are, in my experience, the largest and most impactful shifts in the Earth’s vibrational field yet. While they give humanity the greatest hope and reason to celebrate, particularly for those that can access these higher vibrations immediately, they potentially will also create the most turmoil.
There is no doubt in my mind that for some these shifts will on one level or another be tumultuous .
The October 2019 divinely orchestrated shift – was a reality shift and saw the complete disintegration of all false realities not in line with the Divine Plan.
The November 2019 Earth Shift (This from Divine Spirit at the time of these Earth Shifts)
“It is a supreme lift in the Earth’s vibration; it is the most extreme vibratory shift that has actually been to date and it is designed to ensure that the entirety of humanity lifts into a higher state in which they are more able to access oneness, their connection to the Divine; is more able to develop psychic skills; to actually live in harmony with the Earth and those around the world. It is also designed to activate gifts in many of the new children; it will also activate gifts in those that have Soul purpose and Soul contracts to be of specific help to the education of humanity through Divine Will.
It is going to make Divine Will very, very strong. If you wish to manifest something from this point forward that is part of Divine Will, it will become easier........” Divine Spirit
Dimensional shift of December 2019 (from Spirit at the time of the Shift)
“It is to do with the integration of aspects of the Earth that are not inter-dimensional but are other aspects of the Earth and it is about a solidification of these becoming one. This does mean that it will be like going through again the energy of the October and November shifts because you are doing it for those other dimensional aspects of the Earth. It will not last very long; it is very short but it will be very tumultuous and all the energies that need to leave or transform such as Dark Elementals your Demons your Dark Reptilian and your Dark Magics , particularly all of these, are going to have to transform or leave again. So it is kind of similar to the other two shifts in that respect but it is for the Dimensional aspects of the Earth……..” Divine Spirit
All these shifts create within the human the need to release energies that have lain on their makeup, stored in their energy fields sometimes for lifetimes. During this process there is increased fatigue etc.
The pre-vibrations of these Divinely orchestrated shifts while bringing in the promise of rapid movement forward, more flow etc. were also testing.
For some there were days of unexplained exhaustion, for others days of tears without reason, headaches etc……..
And at the end of it all for all light workers it is the promise of better times ahead, increased flow, increase giftedness but, also for the many, more work to be done to ensure all can lift into these higher vibratory fields.
These shifts are not just about the individual, they are the pathway to the evolution of all humanity and the planet; they are the pathway to raising the mass consciousness and all are involved whether they choose to stay at this time or to leave; all have made this choice for all.
There can be no victims in this journey forward but there can be compassion, there can be understanding that everyone on this planet is a great Soul no matter their outer circumstances and each Soul has its own wisdom and purpose here.
We are all in this together and the evolution of humanity and this planet has been, at a Soul level, our choice.
So a much awaited and much needed change in the vibration of the Earth has come and there will be more flow for some, more ease for some but as with all transformations, there will be roadworks for some and we all know with roadworks, there is the deconstruct before the reconstruct and things often look worse before they get better.
So, what can we do to facilitate our lifting into the higher vibrations? Well, keeping up a practice of daily energetic hygiene in order to keep our energy clear and intact is pivotal. Prayer, Meditation, working to change our perspective to facilitate higher vibrational mental patterns, being willing to let go of the past, being willing to heal what lies within, understanding the challenges that come your way are not there to harm you but, rather to teach you and to help you let go of those things that you no longer need and learning to find joy in the small and large things in your life – all help your transition into the higher vibrations.
We sign off with the words of Divine Spirit
“Do not be attached to the past; there is no merit in that. Move forward, Look forward. We know the road has been hard Dear One, but you are moving into new energy and new times. The earth is not the same place and by 2020 it will not be the same place that it has been and remember the doorways to the past will be shut. There is no going back so do not look back; do not look at what has been; look forward to what you wish to create. There is no power in the past but how it informs the present so that you can live it more fully.”
Love, light and blessings
Channel for Callah and the Ancients