The Bitter Heart

Nobody is born cynical or bitter.

It comes about from hurts.  Hurts and wounds piled on top of each other until you get to the point where the heart says “I can’t take this anymore” and it shuts down… just a little bit.

As soon as the heart shuts down a little bit the head kicks into gear and it is the rational mind.  It is always going to look for the logical, the rational answer.

The mind will never say to you “I feel this is right” or “I feel like this is the way to go”.  It is the heart that feels so when the heart shuts down a little so too does the feeling aspect.

You start to think more and the head starts making the decisions for you.  Now it’s a shame really because there are a couple of things that come to us directly experienced through the heart.  Intuition, magic and almost anything to do with spirit cannot be understood with the rational mind.  Falling in love, having children, following a dream…most of the time if the rational mind was completely in charge these would not come into your life.

So a cynical, bitter person is not a person full of malice aiming to wound or hurt another.

They are simply a heart that one day said “I can’t take this anymore” and shut down a little bit.

No one is born cynical of bitter.

The aim is to keep your heart open; fully open to the experience of life for when you do all manner of universal magic’s: wisdoms and love is able to flow through you and to you.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients