Saturday, 26 August 2012

Love and creation

Love is the most powerful force in existence.  It created the world.  It is the energy of creation and it births all things into being.  Any creation requires a certain environment in order to come into being.

The first aspect is a spark.  The spark…the fire that lights the inspiration to connect and create something out of nothing…it is the beginning.

The next step is materials.  On a physical level you must gather the materials needed to create. An embryo requires an egg and a sperm.  A tree requires a seed, earth and water and sun.  A painting requires paints and a surface on which to create.  An idea requires thought being transformed into action and a love connection requires two willing and open hearts.

Time, creation requires time.  Sometimes it is a minute sometimes it is an eternity.  It depends on the magnitude of what is being brought into being.  Creation of a coffee takes minutes; creation of a world, of a life form, of grand love connection can take longer.  Sometimes there are many twists and turns on this journey of creation and to be true the destination would not be as sweet without these twists and turns.  They often have great purpose beyond our knowing they grow within us a desire, a hope, a faith, and the courage to persevere through all obstacles.  The strength of the vision grows.  It is flavoured by the struggles and trials that happen as it is brought into being.  No child is born into this world without a labour, however short… if you allow the natural process it always involves some birthing pains, sometimes it can be that very process itself that is painful.  Remember dear souls as you follow the flow of energy you are able to traverse these obstacles they melt away under the faith you have in that process.

Finally it is love that will birth all your creations into being.  Whether it is a life, a way of being, a child or a project; the final course that shall keep you going and see you through to the end is the course that runs true and full of love.

When you walk your path to creation with love your creation will become infused with the love you have poured into, it connects to the love of The Great Creator and your creation is blessed by all of existence.

So dream big, my dear friends, dream and create that which lies dormant within you waiting to greet this world.  You have so much within you waiting to be shared.

Dream big and flow with the courses of love.  Let this love run freely and true and may it birth in you the divine connection to the grandest dream you hold within you, waiting to be created.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Dearest Soul

We know that many of you feel tired and stuck at this time of great earth transition.

We tell you soul weary travellers that the clouds are about to part and soon the sun will shine through revealing the glory of tomorrow’s horizon.

There is a period of waiting; all are waiting.  Some wait for the paradise energy to manifest, some wait for their soul mates to find them or catch up, the new children to be born to them, their purpose to reveal itself and others wait for the last remnants of the old ways to release them from their shackles and let them fly free into the skies of their promise.

Do not lament on this period of waiting for something is being born in the waiting. Just as the mother who awaits the birth of her babe something magnificent continues growing in this period of waiting...this incubation is as necessary as the active phase that follows it.

Be! Be in this waiting.  Celebrate this phase of quiet contemplation, this seeming inactive period for much is being shifted and weighed and born into being.

Beneath the surface you are birthing a new world, a new way of being and new aspects of yourselves are coming to fruition.

Bless this phase of your lives for it is as sacred as the moon which waxes and wanes and fulfils its purpose in each phase it moves through.

Be at peace...All is well.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Circle of Light Channelling

They came together with a common purpose; a pure purpose.  To sit with spirit and heal all that held them back from being who they are - great souls that gathered regularly in the name of spirit.  They gathered not knowing the greater purpose that drew them together - Together they hold the energies of the worlds they came from and that they now serve.  Together they build a pillar of light that now reaches into this world.

Having already healed much within themselves and the star lineages they came from they gather less.  Now they cast a light that turns its beam upon those of this world that have the same purpose for which this circle was formed… to heal themselves.

There are many circles of light upon this sphere and others.  They gather for many purposes.  We encourage you all to form circles of light where your purpose is to heal and support your fellow members on their journey to wholeness.

For such is the energy of this planet at this time that all must gather in support of the greatest mission spirit has given - to transform themselves; to remember their divinity and in doing so bring about the transformation of this grand planet.

May love, light and peace follow you all of your days and may you remember the great creator who made all things each time you gather in his/her name.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Friday, 31st August 2012


Journeys do not always follow the paths we planned

 Time shifts like ever moving sands swept by the winds of change to reshape our horizons and the very ground on which we stand.

 Can you honestly say your hopes for your life are the same hopes you held when you first heard the word.

Evolution in the minute

Transformation in the hour

And lives are forever altered to run courses their hearts never dreamed were possible

It is all possible

The Earth is changing

Consciousness is changing

People are changing

For each individual choice affects the whole, affects the world

We are re-shaping our world with each decision we make

The tiny and the enormous

Choose carefully, mindfully

It is easier than one might think

When decisions arise, when choices loom on the horizon

Which choice holds love?

It is that easy!

Choose love!

And you change yourself, change your path, and change the world you live in every day

Just imagine

A world of people who choose love

Imagine the power

Imagine the energy

Imagine the change.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Letter from the Ancients

Greetings Great Soul

May the sun of fortune shine upon you in your journey; may the skies of the all-expansive universe open to you as your soul unfolds within you - opening like a flower upon the hearing of the Ancients’ song.

For we have sung worlds into being; your worlds and your lineages’ worlds.  We have come and stood with you through the dark and light, and we know, as you stand before us, the fullness of your divinity and the great journey you have travelled to meet with us here today.

Rejoice great soul for this is your awakening, your remembrance and your homecoming.  Nothing but love waits beyond this door. As always since the beginning of your time and beyond we leave the opening of it up to you.

Love dearest friends of the ever after, love is the only truth there is.  It is more powerful than any dark thought or deed.  It is more powerful than any dark magic or spell.  We carry with us the great love of the Divine, and when we embrace you so too does this great love.  We are here!  We are here on the request of the Divine and our arms are open… the choice to embrace us is one your own heart will show you.

For those that do not resonate with this path to the Divine we wish you well and our love goes with you for there are many paths, doorways and journeys to the divine.  This is merely one of them.

For those that choose to use this as a tool - to remember the power and grace; the courage of their journeys, and ultimately the sweetness, the strength, and the power of the love and Divine within you - we are here.  As always, we are here to serve the light and to serve you Great Soul on your journey back to wholeness.

Love, Light & Peace
The Ancients

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients