January 2016
Makers of the Energy
There was a time upon the earth when the Light workers job was to ease the burdens of those that walked behind them; to carry their weight; to carry their Karma; to carry their grief, their pain, their loss and their sorrow so that they would have an easier path and this is how evolution on the Spiritual level actually worked previously. That is why Light workers have felt very burdened and alone; why their journeys have been hard for they have been lifting the bulk of humanity by carrying their weight. This time is ending.
With the major shift in the Earth’s vibration on January 13th of 2016, a new phase in the evolution of humanity has begun and the time for the Light worker to hold the energy for others evolution is ending.
There will be some remaining Holders of the Energy and they will hold the energy for, at the very most 5 to 10 years but, they are not the majority. The majority are scheduled to move into Makers of the Energy. Ones like Callah and the Ancients and its team are among the first to shift into this energy. At this point of time it has been seen that the majority of Light Workers will move into Makers of the Energy over the next 3 years.
It is a time of celebration for the time of the building of the foundations of the New Earth is near completion.
The time is coming, due to the shifts in energy on this great Earth, for everyone to stand and to own responsibility for the energy that they carry and for their path forward.
Spirit says to have strong mental and emotional aptitude; to master now the energies that run through you; to be aware of them and to know how to walk through those things that are not for your highest good and not give them unnecessary power to create.
Channelled information from Spirit
copyright © 2016 Callah and the Ancients