24 th January 2014

The Answer Within

All Souls are worthy of respect and admiration, for all Souls are equal in the eyes of Spirit and some Souls have in fact chosen important missions upon this Earth that have involved a deep sleep and they will awaken in the blink of an eye when their allotted time comes.

You sit there in a pond of misery with your little bit of pain; your one incarnation and your one or two losses and much like a frightened child sitting in the corner of a room you are afraid to open the door to life.  You are afraid of the unknown; you cannot say yes to life for you fear keeps you bound.

Another Soul; an enlightened Soul; a Soul on a journey just like you; also sits with all their pain.  They sit with all their incarnations and all their losses for they have remembered the fullness of who they are but, they live in a space of peace and happiness and one with the unknown; they are strong and wise and they stand up and say yes to life.

Many would look at these two Souls and judge one as being less than the other but, to Spirit there is only one distinction.  One Soul does not know who they are and therefore is bound into the small reality of their one incarnation and one great loss and it consumes them.

They are afraid because they do not know who they are; they do not know the fullness of their journey and the power of eternity that dances within them.  To know this dance would give them some perspective on the pains experienced in this one incarnation.  They are trapped by their ignorance of themselves.

The enlightened Soul has walked through many dark tunnels.  This Soul remembers the tunnels and they have seen themselves come and go many times.  This Soul knows, that what is true and pure and of their essence cannot be destroyed and so is unafraid and knows that despite their losses and no matter how many times they are cut down, they will rise again.

This knowledge of the eternity of their being and of their Soul’s journey gives them great strength and they are unafraid to stand up and say yes to life for they know they are an eternal being and all experiences in all their variations are a part of their Soul’s eternal dance.

The only distinction that Spirit’s makes between these Souls is one of knowledge and perspective: some have glimpses of this self-knowledge; some live the fullness of it every day.

Knowledge of who you are and the eternity of your existence gives you greater perspective on all things and it gives you a freedom that a Soul who is still asleep to its fullness does not yet have.

And let us tell you, Souls have epiphanies all the time.  In this new energy no Soul has a set time that they shall stay asleep so Great Soul, judge not yourselves or others for where you, or they, are at on the Spiritual Evolutionary ladder, for there is but one step separating you and them and that step may be crossed in lifetimes or as quickly as in one moment in time.

Be at peace Dear, Ones, the knowledge you seek is within you.

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