
Your guides are personal to you and help you with daily guidance, direction and with making decisions: some of them will have been with you from the very beginning.  These are usually Angelic in nature, though some across time may also be known to be close Soul family members and have a connection in a person’s current incarnation such as a grandmother that has passed over or a mother who has passed over returning to be a guide for her child/children.  This is quite a common practice.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients


An empathic is an energy/being that is able to absorb other energies through feeling.  Sometimes these feelings can also be accompanied by visions of what the empathic has absorbed.  Unlike an Empathic Healer who is able to transform the energies as they are absorbed and flow through their system, an Empathic may have great difficulty in healing the energies that they absorb.  They will find walks on the beach; swimming in the sea or generally taking time to spend in nature facilitates some relief or release of these energies however, in other instances they may need to seek the help of another healer to clear them.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients

Dimensional and Inter-Dimensional Spaces

An Inter-dimensional space is one that is occupied that does not have a 3rd Dimension (3D) origin.  It can be star-based, earth based or Inter-planetary based; it is an inter-dimensional space.

Inter-dimensional spaces exist outside of the order of the 3D realities, so the 3D reality on Earth and the 3D reality within the stars is your concrete or physical 3D reality.

In order to explain in 3D terms, we will liken the Earth to a pebble that is thrown into a pool of water.  When the pebble hits the surface of the water, it creates circular ripples.  These ripples can be likened to other dimensions of Earth.

If another pebble was thrown in close proximity to the first pebble (Earth) it would also create ripples and the circles created by both pebbles would at some points overlap.  Inter-dimensional spaces are created at the points the ripples overlap.  These Inter-dimensional spaces include realms and other dimensions.  They are a point of convergence of different energies.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients