A Realm is closer in explanation and physicality to a 3D existence: it is a kingdom; a world of its own.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients
A Realm is closer in explanation and physicality to a 3D existence: it is a kingdom; a world of its own.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients
Parmonics are high resonances usually vibrating to frequencies that link to higher realms. They are vibrations and frequencies heard by the Higher Self. They exist above any denser vibrations and have the ability to clear denser vibrations and to realign the Soul with its Divinity.
Most of the music that creates a shift within the body contains Parmonics. That is why for eons all have spoken about the power of music to heal.
A lot of meditative music contains small levels of harmonics however; it is channelling and channelled music that tends to contain the most frequencies of Parmonics.
The frequency of Parmonics is very pure and is able to come through pure Channels.
The Gaia CD has Parmonics within the sound of the voice and a small amount of Parmonics within the music. However the largest component of Parmonics in this CD is in the voice.
There are also Parmonics in the Callah and the Ancients Channel, Kim, particularly when she sings.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients
There are places in Universal existence that are out of time and it is in this particular space that nuances are created.
There are two types of nuances; light and dark and each type is divided again into two categories.
Light nuances: The two types of Light nuances are very rarely seen or registered. One nuance is obviously a nuance of transition into the Light. It is the energy that comes into play when beings accelerate in their evolution and lift their vibration. This is an energy that is used by Callah and the Ancients and the Supreme Being in order to elicit this change. It is barely registered. You do not know it is happening, you see it as Light. You do not differentiate it from Divine Light because it is a part of that makeup but, it is a nuance.
Divine Light is not a nuance but, the nuance is a part of that Divine Light and its purpose is to lift the Light; to fill the vessel with Light and to assist in the acceleration of the transformation or the lift in vibration and the activation of the light with that being.
The second type of Light nuance is inter-planetary or planetary; both are possible. It is the Light that is seen coming from worlds that have much Light; much like a light bulb shines. If you looked at an inter-planetary system that is based in Light it would shine; not as in a star but, on an energetic level it would shine. This is an out-of-time nuance.
You often see this around a person; sometimes you see the angelic energy within a person and that person appears to be glowing or shinning. It is a nuance energy that is occurring and it is closely connected to divine light. There is very little differentiation when you see them and so a nuance is not often registered, particularly a nuance of the Light.
Dark nuances: One is universal. It operates on a universal level and it is released by the out-of-time aspects of the Universe. It is like, for want of a better description, an energetic fart by the Universe. It is simply a build-up of energy that needs to be released. It has no consciousness; it does not have any mission and it is very often simply dispersed. Occasionally it may enter the sphere of a planet or a group of beings and this can cause a little bit of havoc if that planet of those beings don’t know how to deal with this nuance and transform it. It can cause a great deal of havoc depending on what was released. It is a similar nuance that operates in people when they connect back into past dark phases of their personal or global history.
Many times you will have seen people talk about things that were traumatic or hard and suddenly their energy looks like it is filled with darkness. It is the nuance that is operating. The energetic signature of that trauma or darkness has become a nuance in their energy and their energy becomes like a small universe that releases that darkness when it is triggered. It fills their being and is released like an energetic fart from the energy of the person. It usually needs cleared and released so it cannot cause further havoc.
The second type of dark nuance is a little more sinister. It is usually has a mission and while it does not have a consciousness it does have something similar to a programme or instruction implanted into its makeup.
These types of dark energetic nuances are synthetic. They have been created for harm through dark magic’s by dark Sorcerers, Mages, Voodoo practitioners etc.
Callah and the Ancients have, on occasion, dealt with these types of nuances.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients
Spirit refers to Lineage as being of your Soul lineage and it is usually connected to Soul family. The Lineage is related to your Soul’s eternal passage through time. It traverses time and space and it is one of the first Soul family energies that is entered into when a Soul is birthed.
It usually follows that these Soul family members and lineage are a part of your makeup for all your incarnations to come: they connect you to The Source; they connect you to your Soul history; they connect you to downloads that come from the Galactic Mother, the Earth and The Source itself.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients
Light Language is a combination of Inner Earth realm, Star-based, Galactic, Inter-dimensional and Earth based language forms. The Light Language that is channelled depends on the energies that are coming through the vessel to be channelled.
Just as there are many different types of flowers there are many different vibrations of Light Language. Each one is made in such a way that the vibration can contain downloads and information points for the person who wishes to resonate with that vibration.
Light language is usually connected to the Divine so, a true Light Language will always contain an aspect of the God whether it be the God who draws boundaries or the God who brings in Love and Nurture. Light Language is as breathing to those who remember who they are. It is and can be for those upon this earth a rite of passage to remembering who they are.
Most of the Callah and the Ancients team can speak Light Language. The Channel for Callah and the Ancients speaks over 5000 Light Languages.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients