
KARMA is a system in a state of evolution.  Just as the Earth is transforming so too is Karma and its influence is expanding to reach Galactic and Inter-dimensional realms.

Karma is a system that allows any form of event, thought or action that a Soul has taken to be registered, recorded and the negative weighed against the positive.  Ideally, any negative Karma needs to be in balance with a person’s positive Karma and the scales at Zero.

A being’s Karmic obligations will follow them through their lifetimes until it is resolved.

If a Soul in this incarnation commits a grievous act then it is very likely that they personally will experience the negative impact of a similar act in their next incarnation or sometimes in the same lifetime for this is how Souls learn and evolve and it has been this way since the beginning of time on Earth.

For those Souls that are not yet awake, so to speak, this system is as it has always been however; as the Earth has sped up so too as the Karmic system.  Karma now manifests more quickly and in some instances a person’s karmic debt can manifest not only in the same incarnation but in the same month or the same week as it has been generated.

So it is very important to look after your Karmic account and either do acts of good service or put out good things.  In this way a person can come into balance more quickly.

For those on the journey and fully engaged with the new energy upon the planet and in their Spiritual evolution, the old system has been overhauled.  If certain conditions are met and it aligns with the Great Spirit’s plan, a being’s old Karmic debt can be lifted off them.

However: just because a Soul’s Karmic debt has been settled out of court, so to speak, does not mean that they are not still subject to Karmic law for every subsequent negative act, thought and emotion is returned to them immediately.

This Karmic backfire, as Divine Spirit calls it, came into play in 2012.  It is an intense system and is designed to teach a Soul to very quickly monitor and master their thoughts, emotions and behaviours.  Under this new system, a Soul who sends out energies of psychic attack is likely to develop disease within their physical body.

For some this system is a brutal training ground while for others who have already mastered much, it brings a great sense of relief as the heavy burden they have sometimes carried for lifetimes is lifted off and they find themselves free to get on with the work that their Soul has agreed to and that Divine Spirit has appointed to them.

As much as Souls incur Karmic debt, they can also accumulate positive Karma.

Some of the main ways to build positive Karma include tithing to a charity of choice that serves the community or works for the good; tithing to a cause that serves the good; making donations; participating in charitable organisations; acts of service to individuals or your wider community; any act of kindness; sharing your time with another in a way that benefits them.

As in all things intention for good is the key so there is room for creativity in how a being serves and builds their good Karma.

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