May 2013
It is always in the best interests of everyone when doing energy work to Invoke to the Supreme God, God of all that there is.
The reason being that it is a safeguard for all when doing energy work or light work. It protects and ensures that the work is being overseen by the higher realms and if there is something that you have either forgotten to do or if you have made an error of some sort then it will be dealt with by the Higher Beings.
Beginning your day with a general invocation is also a good way to set your intent for your day as it brings in Divine Energy to support that intent.
The Callah and the Ancients team generally use the following invocation, or something similar, when doing events and treatments, particularly individual treatments.
We invoke to the Supreme God, the God of all that is:
To Callah and the Ancients;
To the Ascended Masters and the Angelics;
And to those who stand behind us, beside us, and before us, in Divine Love;
For: Divine Guidance, Divine Protection and Divine Healing.
It is also always best to finish with an Invocation of thanks and gratitude:
We give thanks to the Supreme God, the God of all that is;
To Callah and the Ancients;
To the Ascended Masters and the Angelics
And to those who stand behind us, beside us and before us, in Divine Love;
For: Divine Guidance, Divine Protection and Divine Healing.
The reason we always invoke to the Supreme God, God of all, is to be very clear about who we are asking for help, for there are many beings on the Spiritual plane that consider themselves God. There are also many demi- Gods. When we invoke to God we want to know exactly who we are calling on. Lol
The above Invocation is just a general example and by no means the final word on Invocations. If you choose to invoke for Divine Support feel free to add or subtract from this invocation until you create one with which you are comfortable reciting and one you feel supports you in your life.
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