Soul Mates
There are many kinds of Souls mates and they are usually a part of a larger Soul Family connection. This Soul family connection comes directly from one’s Lineage. So those that are of a Soul connection will come down a Lineage line and this means that they will have similar vibrations; similar histories and in some cases they will have visited each other in life times upon lifetimes and lifetimes. The knowledge that they have of each other on a Soul level is extensive.
Soul Mates take many forms. They can come in the form of a simple Soul Mate that is a Soul Friend and that offers Soul Friendship or of Soul Family: Soul Brothers, Soul Sisters; Soul Mothers; Soul Fathers or Soul Family.
There are those that when they meet a Soul Mate, they feel as if they have known them forever. Soul Mates are those that will buy you, in 3D terms the present that is exactly suited to you. You may exist in a 3D family that has never been able to match you to something of a material nature and yet a Soul Mate will come and in a very short space of time, you will see that they know things about you that even your family that has known you longer have no idea about. This is because the knowledge that they have of you is of a Soul nature. They have travelled through incarnations with you and they know you intimately.
The romantic search for a Soul Mate comes from an inner desire to connect with the Divine for it is through a Soul Mate that we are able to connect more fully with our Lineage; our Soul history and our Great Maker for they very often act as a mirror; a reflector that reflects to us the Divine Love that we seek to merge with.
On the 3D lesson level, this means that Soul Mates very often mirror to us the lessons that we need to learn in order to become whole. A Soul Mate will always support us in becoming whole; sometimes their lessons on a 3D level may be considered harsh or cruel but, a Soul Mate will always come into your life to bring to you more wholeness; to help you remember more fully who you are and sometimes Soul Mates are the ones that strip the inauthentic layers from your persona so that you are more able to fully see the truth and the immensity of the Soul that you are.
Twin Flames
Twin Flame connections are chosen before the Soul is even birthed. Before the Soul is birthed there are particular connections where the Souls have taken on energies from each other which will allow them to connect more fully.
It is not completely that you have found your other half; more you have found your mirror. You have found the one that mirrors the essence that lies within and you mirror the essence that lies within them.
A Twin Flame connection is a rare thing. A Twin Flame is an energy that exists in particular lineage lines. It does not exist in all lineage lines. There are only a couple of lineages that exist that have this dynamic; this makeup; this energetic setup.
It is a strong energy that comes directly from The Source. This energy finds Souls that are appropriate channels for this energy and when these Souls come together you have a Twin Flame connection. It is a pure, divine connection because the Divine energy channels through both Souls and seeks to be reunited through the connection of those two Souls.
In order for a Twin Flame connection to exist there needs to be the ability or the gift in that vessel to channel. There needs to be a pure connection to The Source; not necessarily a pure channel as the energy is still able to channel through but, it will be tainted. If the energy of the channel is pure then the connection is pure.
The purpose of a Twin Soul connection is designed to bring immense pure Divine Love into a family Soul connection so that it is able to vibrate higher and work from a higher space in order to achieve the missions that the Divine has set upon them.
What happens is that the Divine Love pours out to these two vessels through their connection to each other. Then this Divine Love radiates out; it radiates out to every member of that Soul family and then that Soul family radiates out that energy and so on and so on.
Not everyone within the Soul family network is able to channel a Twin Family connection. It is a way that the Divine has found for Souls to connect fully to The Source; it is a way for those that are destined for great things and great missions that the Source has given unto them to maintain a strong balanced energy to the Divine. The Twin Flame connections are designed to keep those that have great missions connected to the purity of Divine Love.
This is why it is large Souls; old Souls that are able to hold the energy of a Twin Flame connection. It is not something for everyone because; it is for those that have great missions upon the Earth because they need the extra energetic support in order to fulfil those missions. Very often these Souls are either extremely involved in the energy world or they are Souls that are outwardly doing good in the World and need that energetic support given through the Twin Flame connection.
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