The Fourth Dimension

Information on the Dimensions is in truth very difficult for Divine Spirit to translate in a way that the 3D mind of the human can fully comprehend but the following information has been given in attempt to give us all a greater understanding of the fourth dimension.

This information is important and relative for all because the Earth, as part of its evolution and the evolution of humanity, has now moved fully into a fourth dimension existence.  This shift will impact on all of humanity and there are those who will be thrown into confusion because their lives will be changed irrevocably without their being aware of the reasons why, for they have been ‘sleep walking” through their lives unaware of who they truly are.

Long ago there existed the one and two dimensional ways of being.  These one and two dimensional ways of being were the ways of being that one might call for the infant soul that is only concerned with survival.  The cavemen were one and two dimensional; some in the medieval times and the dark ages were also one and two dimensional.  Everything was tied quite strongly to the Base Chakra which meant that most of what was controlling human behaviour on an energy level came from the Base Chakra and was to do with tribe; it was to do with survival; it was to do with comfort and security.

As you have evolved you have moved into the third dimensional consciousness.  The third dimensional consciousness is one where you live thinking that; the thoughts you think, the emotions that you have,  your family and your outer circumstances define who you are but, you are also aware of the Soul.

The Soul is present in third dimension but it is very much asleep most of the time but, there is awareness and a move toward spirituality.  This is why you have dynamic and varied religions in this particular third dimensional space because there is awareness, subtle as it might be, there is an awareness and a shift towards something that is greater than who you are.

However, on the third dimension you are unaware of many of the things that exist in energy.  You are unaware of different dimensions of earth and you are usually very unaware of the aspects that are a part of your energy system that influence you on a daily basis.

Your world is very linear and your thinking is very linear.  You are aware that if you take action it will always have a consequence and it will always have the consequence that you think it is going to have because that is how the world works; it is very linear.

Those that work hard sometimes get money and sometimes they don’t.  It is the luck of the draw you think, you are not aware of the energies behind the making of your life.

The fourth dimension is when you move into the energy world.  The fourth dimension is the energy world.  It is the awareness of entities, elementals, lineage lines, your past incarnations, your Soul contracts, your connections to others and all these sorts of things:  it is the fullness of the energy world; it is an awareness that there are other systems in operation apart from just your 3D thinking that contribute to the circumstances, to the people and to the functioning of your life and what you are able to manifest.

When someone is working in the fourth dimension, they become empowered to change things.  Prior to their move into the fourth dimension they were operating in the third dimension where they were on a path that was set for them because they did not have the awareness to change it.

When you move into the fourth dimension which the world has moved into now, everything becomes about energy.  This is why people are going to gravitate towards those energies that resonate; that there are healers that are going to drop away and lose all business if they are not doing their work because their energy body is not compatible with the energy of the people that are coming to them and they will not get work sent to them.  This is also where if somebody is not doing their work, on an energy level, all manner of chaos comes into being.

Everybody needs to be responsible for their own energy in this space.

In the fourth dimension darker energies come into play too; they become active.  If you have denser vibrations within you or within your life circumstances, they come to the surface to show you that they are there so you have the opportunity to change them.

Many people that are moving into the fourth dimension are absolutely confused.  They have no idea what is happening to them.  All they know is that things were going along quite fine and all of a sudden everything has gone “topsy-turvy”.  The reason this has happened is because every vibration that is within their energy, good or bad, has become active in the fourth dimension and this is what is happening on the earth too.  Those vibrations that exist in the earth that are denser and need cleared out are coming to the surface.

This is why on a mass scale you are seeing huge amounts of lessons coming to people on a global level; on a local level and on an inter-personal and personal level because everything that is in energy becomes active in fourth dimension.

The other aspect that needs to be included in the fourth dimension space is the activation and the access to other aspects of the earth, galactic places and inter-dimensional places become a lot easier; a lot easier.  A thought can open a portal; a remembrance of a memory or a past life can open a space to that past life.

This is, again, why it becomes very important to take personal responsibility for your energy; for your healing and the work that you came here to do because if you are not doing that, you will be swept up in this mass of energy that is going on and you will get either lost or get caught up in things that you do not want to get caught up in.

There are many lessons flying around at the fourth dimension level.

Some people and some systems do believe that the fourth dimension is the fifth dimension.

The fifth dimension is the next one up and there are a handful of people that are moving through the fourth dimension and are actually beginning to access the fifth dimension but, what we wish to say is that in the fourth dimension, as we have said, there are a multitude of energies that are able to be accessed, and so the higher energies are also able to be accessed in the fourth dimension.

Some people get confused and think that they have moved onto the fifth dimension when actually they are simply accessing the higher vibrations from within the fourth dimension.  So this is a distinction that we would like to make.

When you have moved into the fifth dimension there is no energy stuff for it is a space in which lower vibrating energies that come into your sphere are instantly transformed.

The fifth dimension is the place where Masters dwell; it is the place where Masters dwell and we are not just talking about everyday Masters.  We are talking about the Masters that have mastered themselves.

They have the complete makeup of all the higher vibrations open to them.  They are able to access them regularly and are existing in a calm beautiful paradise energy all of the time.  Yes, they have earth challenges; however, the Master in the fifth dimension is able to see them for what they are.  They either learn the lesson that they need to with it or, they transform it.

Transformation is in a blink of the eye in the fifth dimension because in the fifth dimension, to reach it, you must know who you are and if you know who you are then you know how everything works and you know that the fourth dimension, while it is an evolutionary stage that the world and people go through, it is not really the truth of everything.

The Truth of everything exists at The Source and The Source is what you are connected into and The Source that runs through all things is what you are connected into in the fifth dimension.

The other aspects we wish to talk about are the bridges.  There are bridges that actually bridge the gap between the dimensions and there are people that sit on the bridge.  Sometimes they are in fifth dimension, sometimes they are in fourth and sometimes they are in third dimension and sometimes they are in fourth.

It is important as humans that you have systems and this system explains the level of consciousness that you go through.

It is human that you will think that I am better than this person because I am in fourth dimension or I am better than this person because, I am sure, I am in fifth dimension because I am so happy all the time.  This is a very human concept; a very human concept because what you are unaware of is that as a Soul, you are more than one aspect.

The aspect that is on this 3D earth is very small compared to the greatness of who you are.  There is already a large part of your Soul that exists beyond the fifth dimension.  This is still a very earth based concept and so you need to remember that every Soul that you meet is far more than just the body that is standing in front of you and there may be Souls you meet, whose greater part of their being exists in a place or space that you have never even seen.

The way to know who you are is not to judge the evolutionary stage that you are at but go within and remember that you are eternally connected to the Divine Source of all things and that the Divine Source of all things and the Seed of God is what holds the truth of all existence.

Divine Spirit
Channelled by Aimee

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients