Judgement: we all at one time judge one another; judge ourselves.
Being Empathic, I have sensed this judgement in all its forms.
The middle class man judges the single mother on the benefit, as lazy and a drain on society’s resources. The man who is poor judges the man who is rich as cold; just out for himself and a part of the system that traps him.
A woman walks down the street with her hair neat, pretty boots and seamless clothes she crosses paths with a group that lives a different kind of lifestyle. The woman is judged as being asleep, a sheep, and a mindless follower of society’s rules.
A group of ‘hippies’ walk down the street; their clothes are free flowing and mismatched, their hair is ‘wild’ and they walk with bare feet. The business woman judges the group as aimless with no sense of responsibility or purpose.
The man who walks down the street, tall, dark hair and long dark beard is judged by some as scary… “I wonder if he is a terrorist”. (Funnily enough another perspective could be he looks like Jesus.)
These are just a few of the judgements I have watched unfold before me and that’s without going into the judgements we have about ourselves. Judgement clouds so much of the truth of who we are.
The funny thing about judgement is that beyond this mortal coil we are all a part of the God Source - We are all one. So the things we judge about others and the way we respond to them - the energy we send out to them means we are really judging ourselves.
Judgement is not only an energy that creates disharmony as it is sent out, but it is an energy that turns inward also. It says “this is unacceptable to me”. You have automatically set up an unloving space within yourself which spreads out to others.
Judgement creates distance and disconnection from the source. Even when you are judging yourself, it is a disconnection from the source because in truth, you are perfect in God’s eyes. That is a Universal truth.
When you judge another it is actually an opportunity; an opportunity to reflect and discover the blockages and resistances we have to fully loving ourselves and by extension everyone else.
For everyone else that we judge, even in passing, is merely a reflection of unclaimed, unaccepted and unloved aspects of ourselves.
Look at your judgements of others as clues to help you be more loving to yourself and to others.
For in truth our essence is love and it is our true nature no matter what style of dress we wear or how we present to the world, no matter the station we occupy in life, no matter our circumstances or the personalities we have chosen to wear this lifetime, we are the same. We are one. We are love and we are perfect in that love.
Aimee (Scribe and Channelled Artist for Divine Spirit, Empathic Healer)
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients