May 2015

Letters to a Soul-mate

For my Passing Companion on the Road of Life

It is not very often we get to look back along our path and see the flowers that have blossomed from the seeds we have planted.

So here it is; a glimpse back to a time you barely remember to let you know the seeds have blossomed and I stand in a field of flowers, a beauty to behold.

Thank you for being God’s Instrument in my life, for the generosity of spirit that filled you in the moments of our togetherness, for being the channel for the wisdoms and the voice I hear in my head sometimes guiding me forward.

Sometimes when we have much woundage and struggles of our own, when the world pushes in on us and our energy is no longer clear we can forget what we came here for, we can forget the truth of our Beings.

I hope that on days like that you remember this and remember the power your small seeds you plant have to create, to create something beautiful that would not have been there otherwise.

I hope you look down at your own feet and appreciate the growth you see there and know that I too shared in that creation.

We each have been guests on each other’s journey to wholeness but the gifts we shared have lingered long after we have parted each other’s company. Thank you for my field of flowers.

I wish you happiness and peace in the journey ahead and hope wherever you are that you are well. That you have strong arms to enfold you, a warm breast to lay your head upon, healthy food to fill your belly and a good pair of shoes to walk through life in.

Scribed and Channelled by Aimee

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients