26, August 2012
Limitations Transformed
I think of the frustration of not getting to that party, or being restricted by illness, energy sensitivities, or financial situations. I think of how these factors shape my life and I feel peace for a moment. I have been forced to sit, I have been made to listen, I have had nothing to do but learn. I have learned of myself, of nature, of God, of energy and of Love. Great…divine…powerful…Love. And as you sit and you suffer in the frustration of restriction, you too shall be opened to the truth and potency of what lies within you. You shall rise up in spirit and feel the strength of it in you and flowing from you, ready to birth into existence something of greatness. It makes no difference whether you know or understand what this greatness is for I can tell you now. The foundation of this splendour and power is you dearest one! You! You together, with Divine Spirit.
For every time you have felt helpless; for every time you feel you have failed, or you have sunk into the humanness of your existence; for every sin you feel you have committed or every handicap you think you can’t overcome - The fuel of the fire of your soul has been stoked! You have the energy, beauty and power of the phoenix rising within you. Your soul will rise. You will shine through and share yourself with the world. Discover who you are dearest one. For you are more than you think, more than you have already known. It is a journey into new territory for all. There are signatures and inter-dimensional patterns and expressions of who we are awakening now. Bringing into reality more of who we are than has ever been possible before. Choose who you are, choose who you would like to be and call this forward into existence. For now is the time to become; to become who you are. Be the dream, and live the dream of yourself.
copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients