November, 2012

My 16 year old daughter's mood was changing over the last few months, to the point we could not even look at her without a negative comment from her.

I just thought one day she will get over it, just the process of being a teenager, well I was wrong!!   She turned to me one day and said 'the voices are telling me to just stop breathing it's easier'.  Now that was enough to realise this is not puberty blues this is more serious.  Once i contacted Kim and she did a channel within two days my daughter is back, she is smiling and joking around, she even joins us upstairs without looking depressed... I always complained of the amount of incense she was burning in the bedroom, bathroom and everywhere she went, now I realise it was her way of comfort as nothing else was working.

Thank you Kim for all you have done for my family; my daughter is very grateful for all you have done for her. 


May, 2012

I was blessed enough to be able to travel to Maleny in April, to attend 2 workshops with Callah and the Ancients team. The information I received was invaluable!

I am just starting on my spiritual journey as I have struggled with what I have called "institutionalised religion". I believe in God, but something just didn't quite ring true for me. I met the team and felt that I was finally "home". The love I felt was overwhelming and welcoming.

Watching Kim channel was amazing, amusing (at her own admittance!) and inspiring! Grace, Amy, Heather and Kim, all have different gifts, but when utilized as a team; it is as if they are one.

I was blessed enough to receive a painting channelled by Amy, that is very much ME! No one else could lay claim to it and it brings me peace, and reminds me to breathe and enjoy!!!

The Empathic workshop brought out the healing tears in me. Initially I was shamed by these tears, but I found it healed a big hole in me. I know it sounds very "unbelievable", and I am, as I said, a relative baby to this new way of celebrating who I am, but I have to say that if it is your path, YOU WILL KNOW IT!

If you have the opportunity, attend the next workshop and discover for yourself, your true potential. If nothing else happens, you will come away having met some truly beautiful people.

Thank you!

Tracey W-H

Gladstone-Maleny, April 2012

I wish others to know of you and feel that energy.  You are hard to put into words.  It's a feel; A trust; A sincerity not found elsewhere.  It's like seeing the beauty of ones soul and embracing that goodness not touched before.  It brings harmony and contentment on a scale not witnessed before.  To say to others "go see Callah and the Ancients", well how to sum you up???

This journey can complete you, change perspective and resonate in a safeness and purity that you can feel on the inside.  I can feel that goodness with an ease I can't explain such is Callah brought through these ladies.  It's a journey you give yourself.

I went to Callah and The Ancients workshop in 2010 for the first time, then in 2012.

The first time I had no idea what Callah and The Ancients were.  Having a night with friends camping, I was disappointed in the amount of red wine I had, so I got up at 4 am to dry myself out.  I knew instinctively that they knew I was coming.  Driving there after copious amounts of water, tea and more water I wondered what I was going to learn.  I was running a dash late but could "feel" they would wait.

When I sat in the workshop, I listened intently, and at first thought I was back in the conversations of the previous night!  Then Grace came over later, and the touch of her hand reduced me to wanting to cry.  This I felt odd as I was sad about anything I could think of.

Then later, I met Aimee.  She channels for "Spirit" with soul paintings.  I sat thinking my husband would not want another painting putting a hole in our walls.  I was also thinking that I don't want one, knowing one was coming.  Sounds odd hey?

Then Aimee showed me one, "this is for you".  Nah, I thought yuk, a church and a tree, it didn't fit my decor.  Then, "WHAM", I know that place.  It is out of a movie I saw as a child!  She builds this church.  She has to believe.  She has to have faith.  My favorite actor played the main male character in it.  I couldn't remember the movies title but another light worker said he did and downloaded this "so old" movie.  It resonated in a way I cannot believe.  There is no way this Aimee could possibly know my thoughts.  This soul painting has helped so much with the life I lead now; in ways you cannot imagine.

The belief and faith get tested often; as to right now in fact.

Then in 2012 another painting!  This one is pretty and so in sync with my life.  I feel another will come to connect into the trilogy of my life, but not right now.

I cannot explain much more, but as to say these paintings and Callah are an essence of purity.  Their energy this time reminded me of the ocean as you stand and waves come at you; so too their energy is so strong it fills you and you can feel its subtlety with goodness.  I had a personal treatment before I went to Maleny and the information was almost familiar from a time one would think should not be remembered.  Such is their goodness and energy.  It is not anything more than what you wish it to be but somehow it is so much more than you can imagine.

Standing in front of that first painting, that my hubby has no qualms about sitting on an easelbeside our bed, gives me faith, confidence and abilities I was never aware of, such is its guidance.

Belief and trust are a quest for me at this time with Callah in my life the journey is lighter. So thank you Callah and the Ancients, what great blessings are received.

God bless Polly

March 2012

Our journey prior to Callah and the Ancients first trip to Gladstone had been a very muddy one for us.  For years we had been on the receiving end of a healer’s good intention.  We had no idea of what Callah and the Ancients were all about nor did we believe we were even remotely capable of healing.  As the weekend unfolded we learnt everything about where we had been and especially how a healer’s ego and negative energies can influence your healing outcome.  Most importantly, we learnt to forgive.  This wealth of knowledge set us up for what we didn’t see coming.

Six months later at the next Callah and the Ancients workshop in Gladstone saw us walk in as Reiki practitioners.  This event reinforced who we were, giving us more tools and a valuable revision of what we had learnt previously.  We also found out a lot about ourselves at a private healing session afterwards.  One of us received our own personal soul painting which had been channelled by Aimee.

Having looked at this painting for over a year we walked into the third Callah and the Ancients workshop as Reiki Masters to find a second painting had arrived for us.  This event was spectacular, because our joint private healing session revealed to us our past lives and our soul purpose, which reinforced to both of us why we have always resonated so well in love together.

Unknown to Aimee and the others our two paintings created a landscape that matched what was revealed in our healing session.

To all of you wonderful light workers at Callah and the Ancients we can’t thank you enough for helping us find our spiritual way and showing us the skills and tools that should be mandatory for all healers to learn.

Love, Light and Blessings

Jeff and Belinda

March 2012

As a mother of an energy sensitive child, I have come across some interesting and difficult challenges: from going to the shops with ‘my little bubble of love’ (my daughter); to her not wanting to go near or see family members, at times even me, her own mother.  All of these reactions without any explanation: that was until I had help from the Callah and The Ancients’ team.

I just thought ‘my little bubble’ was shy but, as it turns out she can see straight into people’s souls and past lives making for her experiences scary at times. It wasn't until this was explained to me by the Callah and The Ancients team that I was able to address these issues and solve them. Once we established what the issue was for example a past life, Callah and The Ancients could then heal and move this on, making for an easier more pleasant encounter for my ‘wee bubble’, myself, and the person we were interacting with.

A great example of this is my ‘wee bubble’ would not let me put her down when we went to visit her grandmother and would scream every time she tried to come near her, or give her a hug, or even talk to her. This made her poor grandmother feel terrible and uneasy. So I got onto Callah and the team and we discovered ‘my wee bubble’ was connecting in and seeing her grandmother’s past lives and older dark energies which in turn were frightening her. Callah and the Ancients then gave a distant treatment for this issue. The next time we visited ‘my wee bubble’s’ grandmother there was a significant difference. She hopped off my knee for the first time and sat beside her grandmother and played with her toys without any tears. However, her grandmother still couldn’t pick her up or hug her but; it was a huge first step.

I then organised another treatment with Callah and the Ancients to help clear through some more past lives of her grandmother and the next time we visited ‘my wee bubble’ sat on her grandmother’s knee and read a book: another big step through this process. I am so very greatful for all the amazing results and work the Callah and The Ancients have done in mine and my daughter’s life with all the many challenges life brings having an energy sensitive child. Her grandmother is also amazed and is thankful for now being able to have ‘normal’ interaction with her ‘wee bubble’ too.

Thanks ever so much again!
