

Sacred Geometry is found in all aspects of life from the construction of the flower to the construction of the pyramids this sacred form of language, symbology and energetic communication exists even in the subtle energy bodies of our own make-up.  It is not surprising that it has become of even greater importance in this new energy.  Some of our Sacred Geometry is changing frequency, vibration and form as the New Earth comes into being.

These paintings are channelled through the Galactic Mother and Gaia bringing the sacred forms in their new energy to inspire, support and uplift you on your journey…enjoy!


Sacred Geometry - Portals


Spirit says this is a portal to the energy of calm. Sometimes it is easy to lose our way and our ability to listen to the stillness within. Notice how the leaves are very busy in energy compared to the image beyond the portal. The world often pushes in on us but if we can come to that place of peace within us we can create a new world for ourselves and a new reality is which to live. Calm also aligns with Creative Fire and Cosmic Conscious Loving.  They were created together and represent the transition through the seasons of the soul. Calm being winter, there are no blooms only leaves and the quiet that comes with the winter time of hibernation and reflection.

Creative Fire

Spirit says this is a portal to the energy of the creative fire of all creation. The spark that lights the idea and fuels the birth of babies, projects and inspirations is born within this fire. The world often presses in on us filling us with the doubt that our vision is true or will be understood in a world of cynics’. The creative fire burns all that away filling us with hope, vision, passion and the joy of expression and we remember that to be given a vision from the fire is to receive all the permission we need to bring it into the world of the manifest. Creative fire represents the autumn and the spring seen in the burning away of what is no longer needed (autumn leaves) and the birth of new growth and potentials yet to come seen in the emergence of the buds on the leaves.

Conscious Cosmic Loving

Spirit says this is a portal to the energy of existence that is our oneness and our unconditional loving. It is the space that is beyond the veil where all is accepted and loved and nurtured. It was the easiest painting to create and had very little resistance energies. It is our forgetfulness in who we are and who the other truly is to us that blocks this energy from our daily lives. It is all encompassing and a large full energy that brings with it grace. Ease expansiveness and wholeness are the energies running through this painting. It is filled with happiness and bliss and oneness, connection and a dreaming of the beyond. It is a remembrance and a blossoming as seen in the beautiful flowers that have emerged from the buds of the creative fire to reach their fullness, their fragrance filling the air with their sweetness. It represents summer in the trilogy of these portal paintings.


Spirit says this is a portal to deep faith. The kind of energy that surpasses our lifetimes of disappointments and brutal memories that keep us caged in a world of our doubt and indecision. Faith by its very nature does not require proof to exist. It draws on all the confirmation it can find in our soul histories but it does not require it to live and breathe and grow and evolve and become. It is born of the Divine and it is fuelled by the light of the universes that were brought into being by the very act of faith, the belief that because you can imagine it, you can create it. Faith is a white flame and burns eternally and is the power behind the energies of hope, promise and potential. It will never forsake you or desert you and it will not ever take away from you it is an energy that lives to give birth to greatness.

From the Stars We Came

Spirit says this is a portal to the greatness of our being and the truth of our origins. Within us there is a feeling we do not belong but it is not the truth of our being for our very DNA is filled with the indicators of our origins and our greatness. Our gifts, the eternity of the soul, the expansiveness of our being are all written into our genetic blueprint.  The truth of our existence resonates out from the cells of our being and if we look carefully we will come to know there is no need to find our home out there in the stars for our connection to it lies in our very make-up.  We are by our very make-up eternal and extraordinary beings.


There are five of these paintings and they are among my favourite. I love all of them and feel the energy in them is very special. These paintings are a portal to an energy that is a universal vibration that resonates out eternally but is often difficult to maintain a connection to. It is designed as an activation energy that allows you to glimpse and look through a window to recognise the energy that needs to be activated within you at this time. It is an energy that is beyond manifestation and only our interaction with it and our continued vigilance and dedication to our own work will allow us to fully live out this energy in our own lives. It is an activation brought about by our glimpse into another world. These paintings allow a constant open window to these energies. The oval is represented here.