




Spirit says this is a portal to deep faith. The kind of energy that surpasses our lifetimes of disappointments and brutal memories that keep us caged in a world of our doubt and indecision. Faith by its very nature does not require proof to exist. It draws on all the confirmation it can find in our soul histories but it does not require it to live and breathe and grow and evolve and become. It is born of the Divine and it is fuelled by the light of the universes that were brought into being by the very act of faith, the belief that because you can imagine it, you can create it. Faith is a white flame and burns eternally and is the power behind the energies of hope, promise and potential. It will never forsake you or desert you and it will not ever take away from you it is an energy that lives to give birth to greatness.


High quality print copy of the original painting channelled by Aimee (Limited Edition Print 50 only) - Print Size - 32cm x 45cm 120.00 NZD

Faith - Print copy (excludes P&H) | 120 NZD

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