
Conscious Cosmic Loving


Conscious Cosmic Loving


Spirit says this is a portal to the energy of existence that is our oneness and our unconditional loving. It is the space that is beyond the veil where all is accepted and loved and nurtured. It was the easiest painting to create and had very little resistance energies. It is our forgetfulness in who we are and who the other truly is to us that blocks this energy from our daily lives. It is all encompassing and a large full energy that brings with it grace. Ease expansiveness and wholeness are the energies running through this painting. It is filled with happiness and bliss and oneness, connection and a dreaming of the beyond. It is a remembrance and a blossoming as seen in the beautiful flowers that have emerged from the buds of the creative fire to reach their fullness, their fragrance filling the air with their sweetness. It represents summer in the trilogy of these portal paintings.


High quality print copy of the original painting channelled by Aimee (Limited Edition Print 50 only) - Print Size - 32cm x 45cm 120.00 NZD

Conscious Cosmic Loving - Print copy (excludes P&H) | 120 NZD

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