The Artist
Aimee is a Celestial Empathic Healer, a Scribe for Divine Spirit and a conduit through which Divine Spirit brings through paintings, Universal Energies, Vibrations and Codes for Individual Souls and for Humanity and the Universe as a whole.
These paintings from Spirit are titled Extra Sensory Vibrational Paintings (ESVP) which is an impending trademark of Callah and the Ancients.
Her work as an artist is often layered, painting over painting according to instructions given by the Divine. The size of canvas used, the colours and the textures are all at the instruction of the Divine.
Aimee never knows exactly what she will be painting before she begins and is often surprised at the result.
Extra Sensory Vibrational Paintings for Individual Souls contain the energy of a Soul’s journey through the eons. Extra Sensory Vibrational Individual paintings bring in healing and often a feeling of ‘home.’ An Extra Sensory Vibrational painting contains the energy of support and will resonate with the individual for whom it has been painted.
As there is nothing static in the world of energy that we live in, many of those who have had individual paintings done for them by Aimee often see that over time as they evolve, the energy of the painting appears to change.
Aimee is a core member of the Callah and the Ancients team and works as a Spiritual Channel and Empathic Healer with Kim, the Channel for Callah and the Ancients.
Kim says, “Aimee is extremely gifted and although she may, to some, look to be young to be such a pure channel for Spirit, she has earned the right through her dedication to Spirit throughout her many incarnations and through the gifts given to her through her Soul Lineage.”
Anyone wishing to commission an individual painting or a painting for their business or other space is invited to contact Christine.