The Understanding heals all wounds. It speaks with a common voice so all are heard.
It dreams in every language of unity and brotherhood/sisterhood, for we are all one.
Our tears are the tears of humanity longing for itself and our joys are the joys of all our children who see another way to live, you see it in the sparkle of their eyes.
We all seek the same things and we all carry the same love in our hearts.
Peace is something no matter how much we reach outside of ourselves to try to attain it cannot be grasped or reached for. Peace is not something we go out and get. It is only found when we stop!
Peace is found when we are still, when we allow the natural opening of our heart space. Peace is a universal energy first sourced within.
Sometimes Joy is accompanied by a deep feeling of sorrow or perhaps it is our sorrow that gives the full measure of our joy its meaning. Either way these are two emotions that flow into each other bringing growth, pleasure, love and blessings into our lives.
Joy touches us no matter how small or large, the moment we feel it, our lives expand.
Joy is unbound, it does not conform and cannot easily be must be felt.
Love is unconditional. It is a part of our inner make-up and we have only to tap into it to feel the presence of the Divine move through us.
We are united in being creatures who love and when that love is awoken in us it becomes creative and has the power to transform us and everyone around us.
I am balm to the raw wound. I am the calm in the storm. I have no mouth to speak but I have hands to hold your pain. I have ears to listen to your sorrow and eyes to shed your tears.
My heart is in you and your heart is in me and we sing a song of healing together.