

There is no need for words
I am not outside of your heart
I am in it
I touch your woundage
I feel your tears in my eyes
Your joy is my joy
Your happiness dances within me
I remember who I am when your energy touches mine
You are known to me
I accept all the journeys you have taken to reconnect with me
I remember you
You are home to me
I love you divinely and deeply
You are Soulkin


Solkin - Soul Love


This soul love attribute is represented by…The Lotus Flower it is said to mean enlightenment.


This soul love attribute is represented by…The Freesia Flower it is said to mean trust.

I Am Home

This soul love attribute is represented by…The Jasmine Flower it is said to mean the comfort of the soul.


This soul love attribute is represented by…The Frangipani Flower it is said to mean celestial magic.

Divine Love

This soul love attribute is represented by…The Lily of the Valley Flower it is said to mean forever love.

Soul Love

These paintings represent a moment of beautiful, delicate connection. They speak of the blossoming that occurs when true soul love is given and received. These paintings carry the unique and special qualities of soul love. Soul love is powerful and transformative. It has the ability to awaken us to our true selves, our true natures and to help us recognise our true origins and purposes upon the earth. Embrace this loving energy and may it soothe the weary traveller, ease the burden of the path forger and may it awaken the sleeper to their fullness. May soul love enfold you in its arms and may you remember the love that lives within you and the love that is freely given to you, from the Divine, from the Universe itself and from the kin of your soul.




What is Soulkin?

Have you ever met someone before and just felt like you knew them.  Have you ever started a conversation with someone and it is so easy and you understand each other almost finishing each other’s sentences.  Soulkin or soul family connections are like this.  I have been blessed to know soul brothers and sisters, soul companions and soul mates across my journey this incarnation.  Some I have known for a brief encounter a smile, a hug, a connection that lasts in the heart long after the soulkin member has moved on.  I have known soul family who have been people I knew I would know for the duration, some for the rest of my life and some I have been lucky to know as earth family members also.

Soulkin connections run deep, they are home to us because we have walked beside them before, many times over and we know each so well.  We have filled our journeys with their presence and we are fulfilled to have their presence in our lives again.


Soul Lessons

Not all soulkin connections fill us with peace, some are like fingernails down the blackboard.  Their energy grates and scraps along ours and we find ourselves filled with rage or grief or simply a strong immediate dislike that cannot be explained in earth terms.  Sometimes our greatest lessons are delivered by Soulkin, who in this incarnation, have chosen to play the villain in our lives so that we may rise up as heroes/heroines of our own stories.  Sometimes Soulkin are those soul family members that push us, that are the catalyst for our soul growth and evolution into the remembrance of who we are and our purpose upon the earth.


The Gathering

‘The loneliness of the singular light-worker is passing.  The time of the gathering has begun.

It is with the next earth shifts that those who have stood among their challengers and naysayers and stayed true to their vision of Selfhood and those who have washed away the debris of the old ways and stand now naked in the new energy will feel something shift within themselves.  They will have changed in their energy and will be able to access the new vibrations of the earth and find themselves ready to walk the unknown corridors of new pathways and new beginnings.

Great openings in your galactic and earth grids that allow for expansion and communion now are in their final stages.  What does this mean great light worker?  It means you have been told many times by spirit that you are not alone and across the ages you have drawn strength from the entourages and the guides that walked with you.  Some of you have been lucky enough to have mentors and teachers and masters who walked before you and paved the way. We tell you now, that the time of the mentor and master is passing…the paths are forged and the gathering has begun.

It means great light-worker that not only are you not alone in spirit as your great entourages are felt upon the earth plane and in your energy field more profoundly than ever before but it means that your soul family, your soul lineages are gathering.  The earth will in the next shifts reach the vibration necessary and you all are riding the waves of this energy.  It shifts your own vibrations and make-up.  You will resonate higher and because of this shift those who resonate to the same light will find you.

More and more you will come to meet and greet family, not just beyond the veil, but here on this planet of lessons will your family gather in the flesh and you will know them dear ones.  The moment your energies connect, your eyes meet you will know it is family and your soul will rejoice at this homecoming.  Soul brothers and sisters, soul mothers and fathers, soul friends and family will find each other.  The moment they connect into this new vibration as the earth lifts, it is like a beacon is set off and all manner of things will shift in the manifestation fields to ensure you meet.

Now the aspect of this that is growth for you all…for many incarnations you have believed in a soul partner.  Let us tell you, you may feel confused…because you will have many soul partners…soul family who have played that role will find you and they will feel like brother, sister, father and lover all at once because your cells remember and the story is being retold in energy as you are becoming reacquainted with each other.  So light worker the next challenge in this gathering of souls is to recall your oneness to retain your centre in this overwhelming, overflow of soul love and remembrance.  It is a human response, you believe in the collective consciousness that soul mate love is rare but let us tell you while yes, there are connections that at this point in evolution are still stronger than others, what you are moving towards is a soul mate love that is born of soul family and oneness.  One day upon this earth you will feel this degree of love for all manner of sentient being you encounter but for now in this stage of earth shifts this is going to manifest in your soul family connections…get ready for it light-worker!  Love is about to enter your reality in a huge and magnificent way.

For those that have held the light for so long on their own in their journey’s across time this will create many lessons, as once you find each other you will want to hold on.  For some who have pre- soul arranged to work together this is the case and eventually the need to hold on will dissipate but for many others it is like butterflies landing for a moment.  Some soul family will meet, connect and then pass through your 3D lives in small spaces of time.  Do not mourn their passing.  They are destined to hold the connection in energy but not in the physical.  Once the connection is made and the specific lessons carried out you both will move on to new soul family members.  This grasping of the energy will take some time to iron out such has been the isolation for some; it is like a gaping wound that will take time and certainty to heal.  The certainty of knowing that soul family will not ever be far from you…for as we have said the time of the loneliness of the light-worker has past and the gathering has begun.

So, we say to you great souls of magnitude, who have raised the vibration enough to facilitate the return of soul family, for those who have stood in their fullness so they may be recognised by that family, celebrate this great victory of light and rejoice in the oneness and love that awaits you in this time of remembrance.’