

These Individual Vibrational Paintings have been channelled by Aimee and are co-created with Spirit. They are designed to support an individual on their journey into the new energy.  A vibrational painting will contain energies that tell the story of that soul’s journey across time and paintings are often infused with the higher resonance of that soul and their connection to the divine allowing that soul a portal, a doorway to the truth of their eternal being.


Soul & Vibrational Paintings

Vibrational Painting 1

“When hope is lit in the Heart of the Soul Place, it cannot be drowned by the world’s woe. Dear Great One upon this earth plane open your arms to the skies, sing your praises to the Divine, allow your Spirit to soar and all that was lost to you shall return on the wings of your worship… the way lit by the purity of your prayer.”

Vibrational Painting 2

“Freedom is found in the ability to create a life of expression and happiness and fulfilment through the love of Self. Remember Dear One, the great joy that comes from looking into the mirror of your life and loving what you see. Create with mirth, with bliss and with the wild abandonment of a heart that knows its worth.”

Vibrational Painting 3

Awaken Great Soul to all that is contained within you. Shine your light brightly and may it illuminate the path for the many.


This world is a world of energy and we access this energy in various ways. Some are obvious - heat, magnetics, electricity, thermal energy etc.  These are well known forms of energy and these are the forms we easily accept as a part of our everyday life.  We do not question their existence or their influence in our lives.

Subtle Energy

What is a subtle energy?  Subtle energies affect us on the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual planes - things that can be felt but not explained such as feelings, healing, congestion and depletion.

We, as we stand/ sit here, are resonating out at a subtle energy level. Scientists would tell us that the chair we sit on is vibrating; the walls are vibrating with energy.  This is how attraction works; it is how we manifest and it’s how we grow and evolve.  It is how we know a place is sacred or dangerous.  Some of us call it instinct as to whether we trust someone or not.  All this information is actually being processed by us at a subtle energy level and this is the level that a vibrational painting works at.

Let’s do a little test to help you be more aware of a subtle energy.

Take a deep breath and place your hand over your heart.  Can you feel it beating underneath your hand?  Take a few more breaths becoming aware of your heart.  Now think of being loved or loving someone which ever emotion comes first.  Imagine a situation where you felt this love so strongly that it filled your whole heart.  It maybe for yourself, maybe for your child, your partner, your parents or a dear friend, maybe even an animal friend…focus on the feeling and on your heart and feel it filling with this love again.

Now if someone was to come and ask you what love is and how you know you are loved or have loved another… how you would explain it to them.  How would you describe it so they understood it was something very real?

How do you explain love?  How do you prove its existence?

Some things, some of the most precious things are not easily explainable they must be understood with the heart, with the subtle energy body because what you seek to understand is a subtle energy itself.

Vibrational Paintings

Vibrational paintings work on a subtle energy level.  Each one is full of vibrational and subtle energy downloads that are designed to interact with the subtle energy body of the individual.  This painting package of subtle energies is full of higher vibratory frequencies that, if open to it, will alter, resonate, and transform the lower subtle energy vibrations that keep the individual in a state of unknowing.  They can transform, activate and inspire and spark an awakening in those that allow their subtle energy bodies to be open to what is on offer.

Spirit describes the creation of one of these paintings like a courier delivery.  I am the courier driver who delivers the package (the painting) and you and spirit are really the only ones who know all of what exists inside it for you.

In saying this, sometimes people become uncomfortable with a particular painting.  This can happen for two reasons.  One it is not a painting that carries the energy vibrations you need at this time and in this case I would suggest you move on to one that does resonate.  The other reason is due to the nature of these works a paintings subtle energy has begun to work on some deeply ingrained contradictory energy within your subtle energy field and you are feeling these changes taking place in the form of becoming uncomfortable.  In this case I suggest you begin to breathe, maybe take a break and ground yourself outside on the earth and then come back to it…allow the process to occur and allow the changes to take place.

Some other sensations that you may feel and others have experienced and all are normal… are losing time - getting lost in the painting and feeling compelled to meditate on it for some time, shivers, goose-bumps, tummy rumbles, emotional release, relief, warmth particularly in the heart or hands.  All these and others are simply indications of the subtle energies moving and doing their work.