When the soul aches
And the heart breaks
And the body is weary of the world
The Earth knows
Its energy pulses and vibrates
And reaches out to us
In solace
In understanding
It enfolds us in its stillness
In its quiet beauty
And in the majesty of its form
Reminding us of the immensity of our existence
And the eternal capacity we have
And Divine Beings
To continue on…
Original Channelled Painting in Acrylic by Aimee on canvas (1 only) - Painting Size - 61cm x 91cm 800 NZD
Communion - Painting (excludes P&H) | 800 NZD
**If you require shipping please contact us for a quote before purchasing.**
Coming Soon - High quality print copy of the original channelled painting by Aimee (Limited Edition Print 50 only) - Print Size - 32cm x 45cm