Look into the mirror of my soul
I am bound in the cells dividing
And being made anew
I am bound in the in the whisper
Of soft petals unfolding as I bloom
I am found in the expansive skies above you
I am found in the depths of the ocean
And the rush of the river
I am aware of arms enfolding me
And hearts opening to my gifts
I am a kaleidoscope of colours
Forming and re-forming and falling
Into each other
Look into the mirror of my soul
And see yourself reflected there
Original Channelled Painting in Acrylic by Aimee on canvas (1 only) - Painting Size - 61cm x 91cm 800 NZD
**If you require shipping please contact us for a quote before purchasing.**
Coming Soon - High quality print copy of the original channelled painting by Aimee (Limited Edition Print 50 only) - Print Size - 32cm x 45cm