Parmonics are high resonances usually vibrating to frequencies that link to higher realms. They are vibrations and frequencies heard by the Higher Self. They exist above any denser vibrations and have the ability to clear denser vibrations and to realign the Soul with its Divinity.
Most of the music that creates a shift within the body contains Parmonics. That is why for eons all have spoken about the power of music to heal.
A lot of meditative music contains small levels of harmonics however; it is channelling and channelled music that tends to contain the most frequencies of Parmonics.
The frequency of Parmonics is very pure and is able to come through pure Channels.
The Gaia CD has Parmonics within the sound of the voice and a small amount of Parmonics within the music. However the largest component of Parmonics in this CD is in the voice.
There are also Parmonics in the Callah and the Ancients Channel, Kim, particularly when she sings.
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