Saturday, 26 August 2012

Love and creation

Love is the most powerful force in existence.  It created the world.  It is the energy of creation and it births all things into being.  Any creation requires a certain environment in order to come into being.

The first aspect is a spark.  The spark…the fire that lights the inspiration to connect and create something out of nothing…it is the beginning.

The next step is materials.  On a physical level you must gather the materials needed to create. An embryo requires an egg and a sperm.  A tree requires a seed, earth and water and sun.  A painting requires paints and a surface on which to create.  An idea requires thought being transformed into action and a love connection requires two willing and open hearts.

Time, creation requires time.  Sometimes it is a minute sometimes it is an eternity.  It depends on the magnitude of what is being brought into being.  Creation of a coffee takes minutes; creation of a world, of a life form, of grand love connection can take longer.  Sometimes there are many twists and turns on this journey of creation and to be true the destination would not be as sweet without these twists and turns.  They often have great purpose beyond our knowing they grow within us a desire, a hope, a faith, and the courage to persevere through all obstacles.  The strength of the vision grows.  It is flavoured by the struggles and trials that happen as it is brought into being.  No child is born into this world without a labour, however short… if you allow the natural process it always involves some birthing pains, sometimes it can be that very process itself that is painful.  Remember dear souls as you follow the flow of energy you are able to traverse these obstacles they melt away under the faith you have in that process.

Finally it is love that will birth all your creations into being.  Whether it is a life, a way of being, a child or a project; the final course that shall keep you going and see you through to the end is the course that runs true and full of love.

When you walk your path to creation with love your creation will become infused with the love you have poured into, it connects to the love of The Great Creator and your creation is blessed by all of existence.

So dream big, my dear friends, dream and create that which lies dormant within you waiting to greet this world.  You have so much within you waiting to be shared.

Dream big and flow with the courses of love.  Let this love run freely and true and may it birth in you the divine connection to the grandest dream you hold within you, waiting to be created.

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