Saturday, 18 August 2012

Dearest Soul

We know that many of you feel tired and stuck at this time of great earth transition.

We tell you soul weary travellers that the clouds are about to part and soon the sun will shine through revealing the glory of tomorrow’s horizon.

There is a period of waiting; all are waiting.  Some wait for the paradise energy to manifest, some wait for their soul mates to find them or catch up, the new children to be born to them, their purpose to reveal itself and others wait for the last remnants of the old ways to release them from their shackles and let them fly free into the skies of their promise.

Do not lament on this period of waiting for something is being born in the waiting. Just as the mother who awaits the birth of her babe something magnificent continues growing in this period of waiting...this incubation is as necessary as the active phase that follows it.

Be! Be in this waiting.  Celebrate this phase of quiet contemplation, this seeming inactive period for much is being shifted and weighed and born into being.

Beneath the surface you are birthing a new world, a new way of being and new aspects of yourselves are coming to fruition.

Bless this phase of your lives for it is as sacred as the moon which waxes and wanes and fulfils its purpose in each phase it moves through.

Be at peace...All is well.

copyright © 2015 Callah and the Ancients