The Source
This is an esoteric representation of The Supreme Creative Energy of the Universe. The Creative Heart of all that is manifest, and the source of all things. It is known by many names upon the Earth but, its core energy is that of Love, Divine, Magnificent and Unconditional Love.
Original Channelled Painting in Acrylic by Aimee on canvas (1 only) - Painting Size - 76cm x 51cm 450 NZD
The Source - Painting (excludes P&H) | 450 NZD
High quality print copy of the original painting channelled by Aimee (Limited Edition Print 50 only) - Print Size - 32cm x 45cm 60 NZD
The Source - Print copy (excludes P&H) | 60 NZD
**If you require shipping on any of these items above please contact us for a quote before purchasing.**